Pro IT Race - NJM P - June 5-6


The citation was intended to include the car specification line in ITCS 9.1.3. The car in question was significantly underweight. I had asked that the word 'Weight' be included in the announcement but it got overlooked in the publication of the final results.

Results are posted where?? Thnaks Tw
Ben and Doc,
I'm finally hooking up my HD Cam with fisheye so hopefully I'll be able to contribute as well. Gotta get one of them NASCAR dodads that rotate when another car is going past or falling back!
LOL! I need to change up how I mounted my cam and need some better conversion software. My crisp HD video was turned into mush by the converter program...
I find wider lenses and mounting further up is best. Auto exposure often over exposes the outside because of dark interiors. Lighter interiors help. Or having less interior in the frame does as well. If the auto exposure can be disabled, that's another solution, but, if you test it in bright sun, and then it gets cloudy for the race, it can get dark in the final version. It seems some cameras have better exposure latitude. Seems like that is associated with price. ;) (But not always!)
Good suggestions Jake - I will mount my camera higher and fiddle with the exposure - my video bleached out on bright sun and I thought the same thing - dark interior goofing it up.

I think Doc Bro didn't like his driving so he won't post his vid! :-)
I think Doc Bro didn't like his driving so he won't post his vid! :-)

What I'm trying to do is protect you from all the people who are going to booo at your low yield pass attempt that could have killed me.......

That, and I still don't know how to download my video......

Most folks have a different opinion of my video - the corner was mine - I had the inside and was fully alongside if not a nose ahead of you at the kink. Post your video so we can see.
What I'm trying to do is protect you from all the people who are going to booo at your low yield pass attempt that could have killed me.......

That, and I still don't know how to download my video......


Most folks have a different opinion of my video - the corner was mine - I had the inside and was fully alongside if not a nose ahead of you at the kink. Post your video so we can see.

It's getting a little hot in here !
