TeamDI Pro IT - 2010 Season

"4.2 Entry fee will be determined on a race by race basis by the host region, Pro IT Manager or race promoter. The entry fee for an event will be in the range of $300 to $400 based on the venue. Exceptions must be approved by the Pro IT Administrator."

As far as entry fee - I get the feeling these should be $350 - $400 as the norm. $150 in the prize fund for sure.

The double should be $400 - $450.
I mis read 6.3.3. Thinking it was 50% for the prize fund. Thanks for correcting me that makes good business sense and is a great value as always!

I see that each round will have a $300 entry. My question is if the double in NJ is $600?

The entry of each round is set by the host region and can range from $300 to $400 per rule 4.2. We don't have a final agreement with NJMP for the double on the ARCA weekend but we expect that it will be close to last year's fee.

See ya at the races
