Teamdi Pro It Update

Dave you are correct. No matter where we are on the schedule even last we will give people to stick around. We will have to pull all plugs, standing starts, women on the grid waiving sponsor flags, whatever but I ASSURE YOU PEOPLE WILL BE THERE TO WATCH US and walk away with a smile on their face!
back in 2005 or 06 ITS and ITA ran a support race at limerock. the winners each received $1000. great race and the field was full.
Pure conjecture, random memories and thoughts-

- That money sounds a bit high...
- Lime Rock has been under different managements. Not too many years ago, regions were paying, what, about $22K for a race weekend? Now, I think it's in the $53k or so range.
- There have been a number of "Pro IT" support races over the years. Peter Roberts was instrumental in running one series.
- The name "OMP Import Challenge" rings a bell.
- We've done the NASCAR support race a few times, and it's always pin and needles to see if we even race, as they run long with all the cautions, and we've been up against Lime Rocks hard engine off time.
- One year it rained, and we sat around, and around, and...... and i was amazed that NASCAR, having a hillside full of people twiddling their thumbs waiting for the course to dry, didn't contact SCCA and have us out there racing, and, wow, what an idea, drying the course. Nope, we waited until it was nearly dark!

With today's management and the philosophies that Lime Rock operates with, I'd be shocked if an arrangement could be reached that would allow such a generous prize payout.
The final checks will be in the mail after Thanksgiving. Just need to get off my a$$.
Make sure you get me your W9 if you have not done so. I'll bug you with e PM later as well. Call or PM if you have questions.

973-697-5871 / 973-220-1007
[email protected]
eamDI Pro-IT Pointskeeper and Check writer
#27 ITS
Jersey Racing Board
NJRRS Committee
NARRC Committee
Joe, remember Bob's original question....would you be willing to race for no prize money at all three support events, should your idea become reality? (Assuming the other tracks charge similar amounts on a per car basis?)

Well that's a stupid question.:blink: What's the payout at every other regional we run?

I'm sorry there are no stupid questions just stupid people. :p Ah haven't seen Jake in a while to break his balls.
Run all the IT classes and no SM's. If you look at pre-reg for the last LRP event, it breaks out like this:

ITR: 3
ITS: 7
ITA: 9
ITB: 8
ITC: 1
IT7: 0

All we need is 10 more cars for a full field. Easy. Promise no money but if you have some left over, pay out to the winners. Try for support races at all 3 tracks.
Re/the 10 cars you mention Andy: easy indeed. Auto Technic alone will have 3+ ITR cars next year and I am sure there will be more in other teams as well.

I know the most recent thread about the economic situation paints a different picture, but a very attractive Pro IT let's me also think how we would deal with the positive problem of over subscription for a couple of races next year, not only at one pro event.
I cant believe im with AB NO SMs and if an sm just changes the class letters they shouldalso run IT rules(read Compliant). IT7 had to race in ITA and they were compliant SMs should be to. Like tGA said "just sayin"
Dan,way to make friends
I just think that as the fields grow, we should eliminate the 'filler' classes if at all possible. It's well known that many people/classes don't like to run with SM's so lets try our best to DRAW IT cars into the IT series.

Stuffing the track with everything may be short-term gain but long-term pain. The more IT cars that come out, the less room there will be for fillers.
2009 Team DI Pro IT Series schedule is complete.

Round 1 - 5/2-3 - NER National - NHMS
Round 2 - 5/9 (Sat) - NNJR Regional with double NJRRS/double NARRC- Pocono (double points)
Round 3 - 6/6-7 - SJR National - NJMP - Thunderbolt
Round 4 - 7/25-26 - Glen Sprints Regional with double NARRC - Watkins Glen
Round 5 - 8/1 (Sat only again?) - Mohud National - LRP
Round 6 - 9/11-13 (Fri-Sun) - ProIT (support for pro event (ARCA, VW TDI)) - NJMP - Thunderbolt (single points but should have 2 races)
Round 7 - 10/17 (Sat) - Jersey Road Racing Classic (JRRC) NNJR Regional with NJRRS - NJMP on Lightning
Round 8 - 10/18 (Sun) - JRRC - NNJR Regional with NJRRS - NJMP on Lightning (awards)