Andy -
My fear is that, without an appropriate amount of squawking, the CRB and the BOD will get the impression that implementing SIR's in IT is an acceptable idea, and it will quickly spread to other IT classes. IMO - "It isn't, and it shouldn't".
This has nothing to do with the technology, which probably works but obviously requires some diddling to get to 'parity'. Plain & simple: I have major philosophical problems with SIR's in IT. If somebody asks for an opinion, or conducts a poll, I'm going to squawk.
I don't believe that this is a 'settled' issue. At this point, it's pushed off in a dirty little corner of IT (BMW vs. ITS), but when the plague spreads, the villagers will be storming the castle with torches and pitchforks.
I've got my matches ready.
John, please drop an e-mail:
[email protected]
I'm quite sure the Fastrack response will be "Thank you for your input" but that doesn't mean it's getting blown off. If there is a ground swell of sentiment one way or another on an issue, it most certainly gets discussed (at least within the ITAC if it applies to IT).