Boy this thread has been all over the place.
Warning! Rant coming. If you don't feel like possibly getting your shorts in a wad skip this post.
The fact that a club has rules against contact makes it somewhere between a lapping day and racing? Don't almost all clubs have rules against contact? Okay, so is it the penalty? Can't the SCCA suspend you for 2 months and put you on probation for 6 months for a single offense? So what does that make them?
SCCA, VARA, HSR, OWRS, IRL, F1; they all have rules against contact, they all have penalties, some of which are quite $tiff.
Maybe vintage racing creates visions of gentlemen putzing around in a parade, moving over and pointing anyone by who begins to fill their mirrors. I assure you that is not the way it is. It is people
racing sometimes very expensive and/or unique cars where it isn't acceptable for Johnny Newcomer (who's been watching all the NASCRAP he can find for the past 10 years) to come out to the track and show us that rubbin' is racin'.
I have raced open wheel, closed wheel, pavement, clay, oval, road course, vintage and non-vintage. I am quite capable of banging my way around someone in front of me. It really doesn't take much skill to move someone out of your way.
While it may be fun, when all participants are willing, it sure isn't racing in my book.
If the fact that an organization frowns on it makes you want to race elsewhere then maybe you should race where (A) it is encouraged, (
speeds are low enough that injury is not likely and © the car is cheap enough that you can have another one ready next Saturday night.
It is tons more difficult to pressure someone into making a mistake, or racing them through a corner or series of them cleanly, to complete a pass than it is to nudge someone out of the way.
Good racing,
--Daryl (Race me clean and hard. Try to punt me and I'll put you in the %^&%&^ weeds) DeArman
had to borrow your MO Raymond.
on edit--you thought my spelling an grammar was poor when I am not ranting!
[This message has been edited by Quickshoe (edited April 28, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Quickshoe (edited April 28, 2004).]