Larry - With all due respect I believe the referrence to the "marked course" is applicable to an airport course configuration. The referrence to the "pavement" is applicable to the a race track configuation. I looked at your pictures and I was putting two wheels over the faded white line with exception of once, when I put all four over the line. I must ad that I didn't notice the line as I was watching the track ahead and the flaggers station. I ibeleive that I was was using the safest part of the track available for the current conditions. ALL of us compromise the "line" at various parts of the track at LRP - So I would be hard pressed to think that we are ALL having Off-Course ExcursionsI'm not sure I fully understand the line that was being taken here---but if it was as close to the station as i think it was--it seems to me that it was a driving infraction.
The GCR Rules of the Road in 9.1.4. "Off-Course Excursions" says "The driver is required to follow the pavement or marked course during a competion, and shalll not gain an advantage from an off-course excursion".
I had looked this up as i have seen other drivers using the off-camber pavment (off-course) going up the hill, and wondered if this is legal. The way I read the GCR, the line up the hill is marked as the main pavement, and I believe teh off-camber part is off-course. We all have a tendency to go a little over teh line, just as we use teh cirbs on exiting other corners at LRP. Teh question is what constitues "an off-course excursion".
I'd be intersted to hear what you guys think. If I understand what was happening, I have to sde with the corner captain that a black flag was in order. If the pavement up to the guard rail is part of the course, I have to start going faster up the hill.
Larry DuLude
2. In the first run group, an SSM car went up OVER the rail and hit the catch fend in front of the corner station in question.[/b]
Personally I wouldn't want this guy on a flag station period. He's the epitome of what's wrong with this club.
Bottom line is we drive and flaggers flag. [/b]
Last and most important is that the Chief Steward is to blame for the whole mess.
Are there any pictures of this incident?
I continue to say it's the safest part of the track although no one would beleive it unless you put your car out there - Caution, you'll need to bring a wheel barrel for your balls first (not sure what the girls use), it's not a comfortable line, but a lot of fun.
Steph - Hoping I was not offensive with my "wheel barrel" comment and always believed this sport is for ALL racers.Personally, I use a dump truck Tim.
You know haven't changed since the 1980's. Like the time you destroyed an S2 and blamed eveyone under the sun for your moves on track. Yeah, I was there. I watched it come back in baskets. The whole incident was stupid.
If this club is so frigging terrible, why are you still hanging around it?
And, FYI, you're starting to sound like an old, sexist pig with your remarks about "the wife is tough, so be a man and divorce her." Because after all, only manly men race, right?
Why don't you go back to riling up the Southern guys instead of trying to turn this thread into yet another train wreck.
We gotta' get officials out of the racing picture. RFA's against drivers by non-racing officials even when the drivers say it was a racing incident is all too common. You want to sit on a corner and make judgements on driving? Go right ahead but I think the right to protest by workers and officials should be removed. You want to get in the mix and speak your opinion? Get off that corner station, get a second job, divorce the wife and strap on the belts. Otherwise leave the racing to the racers. If you feel unsafe, leave the corner, take your crew with you if they agree and let the CS sort it out.
It's racing guys. ......A protest is a truly overt action and is perceived certain ways. None good in this case. No reason for it. And BTW a flagger is a flagger when he's flagging. ....... No better than a Monday morning quarterback. Hard line? Yea, sure. But officials assume far too big a role in what we do and it really needs to be curtailed.
......We gotta' get officials out of the racing picture. .....I think the right to protest by workers and officials should be removed. You want to get in the mix and speak your opinion? Get off that corner station, get a second job, divorce the wife and strap on the belts.
Since you seem to be blind to any sort of financial constraints, and since you really want to make a difference in our club you are going to give the best gift ever and be the first one to pay for the workers PDX or drivers school event correct? And you are going to let them drive your car if they don't have one right? I mean this is all so that they can go racing and learn how hard it is to be a driver... And when they are at that drivers event you are gong to work the corner keep your mouth quite and just waive flags like a robot or monky right?
Just to add...
How do you feel being pulled over for doing 47 MPH in a 45 MPH zone? Ticky tack. I'm paying $300 more in insurance per year for that ticket and paid $125 for the violation. I feel raped. But even in that case, I was breaking the rules.
Tim broke no rules and had an official come down on him in the same way.