Tires in Regional Racing

Andy makes a good argument to try the Goodyears, but at least around Florida I can almost always buy the Hoosiers from Appalachian at the track. I only see the Goodyear truck at the bigger events. I have been racing on the Toyos in SM and really don't like them at all... The fast guys do fine with the Toyos but I find that they are vague and as they heat up become really greasy. I tried the Kumhos a couple of years ago and found that they would wear out very quickly.

Now that I am racing in ITA I am using the Hoosiers.

I really like the Hoosiers. . .I am much faster on them than the Toyos, but more importantly I have a lot more fun with the Hoosiers. Maybe my ham handed lack of car control is better hidden with these tires. :eclipsee_steering:
Have to agree with the praise for Appalachian Race Tire and Hoosier. Track side service and tire quality are second to none. They take care of my wheels and I have never missed a session even when I dropped wheels off late. Rodney always has accurate setup advice and they stand behind the product. Choose your tires for performance as well as support. Cycle them correctly and they will last with any tire out there. Go Hoosier!! :026:


... Very well said. And I can't agree with you more. I even changed classes so I could continue to use Hoosier Tires.

... Rick Thompson
... 2nd SARRC 2006 SEDiv ITA 1st Gen RX7
As it has been said before you can not find a better tire dealer than Appalachian Tire. If you give them a heads up call they will bring a set of tires for you w/o payment just in case you might need them.

Luckily for me they sell Toyos as well.
How many heat cycles can you get out of the hoosiers before they start to fall off?

Um, one..................

The answer to the question you were really asking (when will they really, really start to fall off). If heat cycled properly, 10-12.
Um, one..................

The answer to the question you were really asking (when will they really, really start to fall off). If heat cycled properly, 10-12.

I have gotten as many as 15-17 heat cycles. The 15th was the fastest of all heat cycles. The 17th go ugly. They fall off FAST when they are done.
Then you are the only one. For this data: is this a track you have hundreds of laps on? No car changes at all? No weather/track changes? Same day?
Generally speaking, I agree with Lawton that 10 to 12 cycles is when the Hoosiers start to go away. Oddly enough though, like spknssz, my fastest laps have at times also come on Hoosiers with 12+ heat cycles on them.

I ran a test day last month at Thunderhill on some "practice tires" which were 12+ heat cycled Hoosiers. I had three laps that were almost a full second faster that I have ever been there. However, to Andy's point, it's normally 90 degrees plus when we race there and this day it was about 60 degrees.

The obvious question is, "everything else being equal, would the same laps have been faster on less heat cycled tires?" The point is, they can be fast after 12 cycles, just not reliably fast.

My experience has also been simialr to spknzss in that they fall off very fast once they're gone. I have run personal best laps on high heat cycle tires and then have them be completely gone one session later.