Dave Burchfield
GLDiv ITS #74
Mazda RX-7(the one Kirk rolled over the tire wall at Portland)
(or so I am told)
I just noticed this and about shot coffee on my keyboard. I'd forgotten the connection but to set the record straight on what I DO know about - it was Seattle (Turn 2, to be precise) and I didn't roll it. I spun 180* left, hit the wall at an oblique angle going backward, went straight up in the air going 180* back the other way, and ended up perched neatly on top of it. Surprisingly, most of it buffed out or could be pulled by hand.
I got myself in that pickle using a National as a "test day." We were late getting the car prepared for the ESCORT series so (y'all will LOVE THIS) we showed up with it half converted from the base model to the GXL or whatever the heck it was. By "half," I mean we had the front suspension and brakes swapped over but not the rear. (Some test day.) Needless to say, the car had balance issues. With that goofy automagic toe adjust-o-matic thing, when turned in it would go, "Sure, no, okay, maybenot, whatheheck, whew!" cycling between over- and understeer, before finally making a commitment...
It was a completely illegal SSA car and we were already in dutch with the tech guys, told that if we flinched we'd get the book thrown at us. I had to do one more National to get my much-vaunted "pro" licence and didn't want to be a problem, so I did the dumbest thing possible: I tried to stay out of someone's way. The race was almost over and as I was getting lapped by a couple of SSGT cars in an actual race, I kind of hung out driver's right a tick longer than normal before turning in. I thought I'd slowed enough more than usual to make the later entry work but history disagrees. The car did its hokey pokey thing and I ran out of pavement before it made up its mind...
A week later I sent in my "pro" license application. I was AWESOME.