My inaugural visit to RA was in 1994 w/ PCA.
After an initial walkaround on Friday eve I was stoked to tear it up on Saturday morning.
Modified 300+ hp '87 Mustang street car w/ big brakes and susp upgrades. Belts but no cage.
Anyway, after a checkout ride with one of their instructors and a discussion of my previous track experience, I was let loose for 2 sessions in the morning. Everything was fine with no hair-raising episodes, and I gradually worked up to going flat through the dip in 5th gear, which was good for 140 and change.
I thought I was just fine until I went to lunch with my bro-in-law and realized after we sat down that I couldn't even drink my soda. You see when I picked up my drink, my hand was shaking so badly that I couldn't get the straw in my mouth!
That track earned my respect that day, and I returned 2-3 more times to run it before Dr. Panoz ripped it up. I do miss the old config from a purely driver's standpoint. However, I think the new version is racier.