I originally posted most of this on the ProdCar board (yes, I lurk there as well...) but I think it's appropriate here too.
As a long-time volunteer, I'm really sorry to see the drivers assessed another fee by the National Office. And, I'm also very sad to see it called the "Volunteer Recognition Fee".
That name doesn't reflect what it really is. It should be called the "Volunteer Membership Reimbursement Fee".
As a life member (yes, I was young enough that it made fiscal sense to me when it was offered in the early 90's), my yearly membership renewal to the National Office is only the cost of my regional dues. So, I fail to see how this new "Volunteer Recognition Fee" will
recognize me - not that I'm in the club for recognition (and those of you who know me personally understand that). I enjoy what I do for the club and the many, many wonderful friends I've made over the last 30+ years. I even found my spouse through SCCA.
Someone said: "... dialing back or eliminating donations to the regions worker fund."
I understand that this new assessment by National may have an adverse impact on the local region programs, but I encourage you to continue to contribute locally. The new Volunteer Membership Reimbursement program puts the responsibility on the volunteer to turn in their paperwork to SCCA National Office to receive the reimbursement. It may help us to recruit/retain some younger folks who are struggling with their financial situation, but in general, if the process to submit for reimbursement isn't very simple - many folks won't hassle with it. Much like drivers, the membership fee is but a very small portion of what is spent on a volunteer's race season. Heck, right now, a regular membership fee won't even fill the gas tank on a motorhome once!
At least with MVRG, the dollars contributed by our drivers go directly to our volunteers/workers. We distribute half of what we receive for an event as reimbursement dollars to some workers (chosen by random draw) each weekend, and the remaining dollars are used to fund awards for our 100% club members at the end of season. Not one penny of those "Worker Fund" dollars is used in either region's general fund. I'm sure many other successful region programs are run in a very similar fashion.
I'm sure I've already said too much, so I'll return to lurking mode ...
Kelley Huxtable
MVRG Chief Registrar