Volunteer Recognition fee & SM Compliance Fee

This is BS! As a rough calculation for the SEDiv based on 6 "events" a month, 9 months out of the year, 225 entries and $2 each is almost $25k. That should buy some hellatious Recognition from the SEDiv alone.
You are right, way over funded. Return any funds that are not directly consumed with the worker membership subsidy to the individual regions.
RX3 - sorry to be a broken record on this, but do you have an electronic version of the 2008 audit form, or can you scan a paper copy and post or email it ?

I'd REALLY like to see it. REALLY.
Caveat: I have no direct knowledge of this program and was not aware of it before this post, but that will not prevent me from commenting. :D

This may be a case of be careful what you ask for. I have repeatedly been at meetings where local region officials have asked national to do something about encouraging workers to participate. Usually free dues for workers is mentioned. The answer has always been the regions are free to implement these types of programs. The problem often sited with this solution is where multiple regions share tracks and workers.
While Summit or NHIS have multiple events with one region running them, in many places 4 or more regions share a track. Add to that many workers routinely work 2 or more tracks.

To me this sound like national responding to requests for support from regional officials. Now the BOD has responded and added a tax to pay for it.

Kind of like national health insurance.
Thats the just of it Dick. Many regions have workers that cross over and do lots of races. Others may have workers that just do their events. I would feel much better if it was more regional. I feel the regions could do a better job getting the money where it would help. This program only helps up to $30. I have a big problem that it was sold as a "free membership" program and it is just a shell game to hide the fact they are now going to charge the regions for workers. Then they (BOD) slip it into the audit report as a new per car fee. The workers will top out at $30 long before the money is spent and then see where it goes. Add up the fees that would have been collected last year in the SE and it would cover about 500 to 700 memberships. Think we have that many RR workers in the Southeast or do you think it will just be bled over to cover "other programs"? Run the numbers and get a reality check
Well for comparison I ran the numbers on the NARRC series. That is the regional series in Area 1. Last year that was 14 races and 2,333 entries so the tax to Topeka would be $4,666. That would pay for 155 $30 membership subsidies. Add in a couple of nationals and drivers schools and that sounds about right for Area 1.
500 - 700 race workers sounds like a reasonable number for SE Div.

I am not a fan of federal programs like this but some of the hysteria I am hearing would be more appropriate on the prod board.
As someone who volunteers at more events (F&C primarily) than he drives, I have to agree that this should be handled locally not nationally. In regard to the comment about crossing regions, etc., I have worked for CCR, SCR, NCR, PCA, BMWCCA,Atlanta Region, Road Atlanta, Mercury Vehicles, and I'm sure I've forgotten one or two. Extorting the money from all regions for a single worker is just that.........extortion. If I'm only going to get a total of $30 off of my annual membership for the events that I work, I wonder how much has been paid by all of the above FOR me (by the different regions)?! The large majority of F&C folks that I work with cross borders like this as well. Anubis, if you're following this, I'd love to hear your input.

Scott Franklin
Well for comparison I ran the numbers on the NARRC series. That is the regional series in Area 1. Last year that was 14 races and 2,333 entries so the tax to Topeka would be $4,666. That would pay for 155 $30 membership subsidies. Add in a couple of nationals and drivers schools and that sounds about right for Area 1.
500 - 700 race workers sounds like a reasonable number for SE Div.

I am not a fan of federal programs like this but some of the hysteria I am hearing would be more appropriate on the prod board.
Not hysteria Dick, just pissed off. Add up all the little fees that get slipped in to the increases we will see in insurance this year and we start loosing racers. Take these same dollars and keep them in the region and workers could get much more in the way of support. We housed our hillclimb workers in cabins with hot tubs in the deck this year.Anyone who knows me is clear about my support for workers. I work as many events as I race. This is overfunded and ripe for abuse.
I have to agree with Steve. Let the regions determine what needs to be done to attrach workers. This reeks of the liberal mindset that the people are incapable of solving their own problems therefore have the government do it. If National wanted to help aleviate the worker shortage let the regions give free memberships to anyone who worked a specified number of events with NO money going back to National. Don't tax us and then give some of the money back. That's not help, that's middleman BS.
JohnRW if you give me a email address will send the package.

Regional and National events. All fees are due within 14 days following the event.

This Audit is to be completed for EVERY sanctioned event, including Driver Schools, For Regional/National events* please fill out Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and submit Total Due in Section 5.
For Driver School events* please fill out Sections 1, 2 4 and submit Total Due in Section 5. Note: Excess Sanction and Compliance Fees are not required for Driver School events.

1. TOW FUND is $15 per car for each National event per GCR 3.3.5.D.
2. EXCESS SANCTION is $15 per car for each entry over 150 cars, at every Regional or National event* per GCR 3.3.5.C.
3. SPEC RACER FORD (SRF)/FORMULA SCCA (FE) COMPLIANCE is $10 and is to be collected from each SRF & FE at each Regional or National event* per GCR 3.3.5.E.
4. *NEW* SPEC MIATA COMPLIANCE is $10 and is to be collected from each Spec Miata at each Regional or National event*. This includes all classes that use the core SM preparation rules as their basis, such as SMT.
5. *NEW* Volunteer Recognition Fee is $2 per entry and will be paid on every entry at Regional, National and Driver School events*.

*For Double events fees are to be paid for each Sanction number per GCR 3.3.5.C. Please complete the total number of cars entered, per Sanction number below.*

**An entry is classified as anyone who has turned a wheel on the racing surface and is not eligible to receive a refund of their entry fee.
When I pay my entry for a race I understand what I get for that money. I do not expect workers. I pay for track rental,insurance,associated sanction fees, and a reasonable amount of profit so the region can afford to replace equipment so they can stay in business. What I get is a staff of volunteers that love racing and give their time to support what we all love. Most regions already spend a large chunk of their race budget on food,lodging,and worker perks. Why is it now necessary to force regions to let national handle this. I got a pm that suggested we needed this because regions were complaining that they needed perks to attract workers. What did you provide before? How does this "shell game" change the money you already had to support workers? A good portion of our workers are already doing other things inside the club that require membership and will see little benefit. Give me that money to help offset their travel cost instead of this $30 limit per worker. Use some common sense people.
Steve and Tom,
I could not agree with you more that all programs work better at a regional level. As racers we get a lot more from the regions putting on races than we will ever get form national. That’s okay that is how it should work. There is a very limited number of things that should be handled by national.
What I pointed out was I believe this is a direct result of regional officials asking for something from national and not being savvy enough to know they would have to pay for it with a tax and that the number of the tax do not seem like a disproportionate money grab to me. If you are going to implement such a program, I do not think they should, the ratio of $2 per entry to the number of workers does not seem like it is padded.

Never attribute to evil what can easily be explained by stupidity.
I am sure you are correct Dick. Some thought it would be a free lunch. It is not. I am sure it has good intentions and should have been sold as such. Tell me you are going to take $2 per car to help regions pay worker memberships. Tell me you are doing this because they are unwilling to help their workers without being forced. Now tell me the money from our races will benefit our workers. Tell me 100% of this money will be in an account for this only with no new "staff" to administer said program. I might support it. Selling it as free memberships is a joke. Define "free". I get tired of having to justify these costs to our customer (the racers) after the BOD passes this down to us. Gets old. :bash_1_:
In a lot of Regions, the corner workers at "Pro" events are actually an SCCA organized and directed group. It happens at Sebring, LRP, blah blah blah. In a pre-$2 fee world, it's OK that these folks are the core that is called on to work the big show events. But...many Regions grant "worker points" to the folks who work these events.

Does this new program differentiate between an SCCA Regional or National race, and a "Pro" event, in allocating "worker credits" (or whatever they'll be called) ?

If not, then SCCA racers, National and Regional, will be subsidizing "Pro" racing organizations. I would be very pissed if this was the case.

Have the details of the "volunteer worker incentive" program been released ? Does anyone know how it will work ? How much does Topeka skim off for "admistrative" reasons ?
John I have sent you an email with the information you wanted and the info is also attached to my post ( 6 up from this one) Let me know if you want any more info
In a lot of Regions, the corner workers at "Pro" events are actually an SCCA organized and directed group. It happens at Sebring, LRP, blah blah blah. In a pre-$2 fee world, it's OK that these folks are the core that is called on to work the big show events. But...many Regions grant "worker points" to the folks who work these events. [/b]

Most Regions, if not all, get a big fat check or reduced rental rates in exchange for providing the staff for these events.

Does this new program differentiate between an SCCA Regional or National race, and a "Pro" event, in allocating "worker credits" (or whatever they'll be called) ?

If not, then SCCA racers, National and Regional, will be subsidizing "Pro" racing organizations. I would be very pissed if this was the case. [/b]


Why? Depending on how the fund is administered, a Crash&Burn school might get credit and there isn't even a single car on track for these events. It is simply training. Flagging at a pro event is simply more of the same, but with cars on the track. Same/same for other specialties. In fact, the best way to create a more experienced volunteer is for them to get... surprise! More experience.

To keep a National or Divisional license, you need to volunteer something like 8 days each year. For nearly 100% of the volunteers, those days come from Club Racing events. Very few people get to satisfy their license requirements via nothing but pro events and NONE gain a license doing only pro events because flag chiefs generally won't let newbies staff such an event. The majority of the people who staff the pro event are the same people who staff your local events.

Moreover, if it gets a trained and experienced volunteer you wouldn't have had at your club event otherwise, exactly how are YOU subsidizing pro racing? You got a volunteer out of it.

SCCA has the best corps of volunteers out there and keeping them fat and happy is certainly worth more than any minimal credit they receive by virtue of staffing a pro event. I've flagged with other race organizations and gawd help us if the quality and quantity of our volunteers falls to those groups. Not only wouldn't I feel safe on the track with these organizations, I really don't get a warm and fuzzy safe feeling as a flagger at these events.

Gawd help us when we too have to resort to hiring the yokels to staff our events.
I originally posted most of this on the ProdCar board (yes, I lurk there as well...) but I think it's appropriate here too.

As a long-time volunteer, I'm really sorry to see the drivers assessed another fee by the National Office. And, I'm also very sad to see it called the "Volunteer Recognition Fee". :( That name doesn't reflect what it really is. It should be called the "Volunteer Membership Reimbursement Fee".

As a life member (yes, I was young enough that it made fiscal sense to me when it was offered in the early 90's), my yearly membership renewal to the National Office is only the cost of my regional dues. So, I fail to see how this new "Volunteer Recognition Fee" will recognize me - not that I'm in the club for recognition (and those of you who know me personally understand that). I enjoy what I do for the club and the many, many wonderful friends I've made over the last 30+ years. I even found my spouse through SCCA.

Someone said: "... dialing back or eliminating donations to the regions worker fund."

I understand that this new assessment by National may have an adverse impact on the local region programs, but I encourage you to continue to contribute locally. The new Volunteer Membership Reimbursement program puts the responsibility on the volunteer to turn in their paperwork to SCCA National Office to receive the reimbursement. It may help us to recruit/retain some younger folks who are struggling with their financial situation, but in general, if the process to submit for reimbursement isn't very simple - many folks won't hassle with it. Much like drivers, the membership fee is but a very small portion of what is spent on a volunteer's race season. Heck, right now, a regular membership fee won't even fill the gas tank on a motorhome once!

At least with MVRG, the dollars contributed by our drivers go directly to our volunteers/workers. We distribute half of what we receive for an event as reimbursement dollars to some workers (chosen by random draw) each weekend, and the remaining dollars are used to fund awards for our 100% club members at the end of season. Not one penny of those "Worker Fund" dollars is used in either region's general fund. I'm sure many other successful region programs are run in a very similar fashion.

I'm sure I've already said too much, so I'll return to lurking mode ...

Kelley Huxtable
MVRG Chief Registrar