Volunteering in NEDiv

Greg Amy

Staff member
We are at a massively critical juncture in NEDiv, and I'm sure we're not alone. We are simply running out of volunteers.

Now, I'm not talking just about the long-standing shortage of F&C workers; that's a given that will never go away. I'm talking about all the other people that help to "run the show". I'm talking race chairpersons, tech stewards, SITs (Stewards in Training), Timing and Scoring, Registration, etc. I'm talking we're in a situation where we may not have enough people to actually put on an event at all!!!

I got to see this first-hand this past weekend at NHMS. As you may know, I "got volunteered" to be Chief of Tech for the event. Plus, I attended the Club Racing Board meeting Saturday night (the only "regular driver" -- someone that's not usually part of the inner workings -- to bother to attend. And, since I was a chief that weekend, we could even conclude that that number was ZERO). All this gave me insight into the inner workings of the group, who is doing what, and how things happen.

You have no idea how bad this is getting. Seriously, you don't.

Did you know that I was the only person committed in advance to working Tech Friday night? When I opened Tech at 7:00 PM I had a couple of guys waiting to get their cars annual'd, and no one else was there. Eventually, the line got so long that several drivers volunteered to help out, and of course as usual Dick Patullo and a couple others stepped up to clear the backlog. As it was, our scheduled 7-9PM tech drug out past 10PM. Can you imagine what would have happened Saturday AM in the Tech line had I had not taken a day of vacation from work to be there (and trust me, my number of available vacation days is not unlimited)...? And while I had a fair number of help on Saturday (several of them first-time volunteers - including drivers - who saw a need and stepped up to fill it) I had zero volunteers on Sunday, as all those Saturday folks had personal commitments for Sunday. Zero, zilch, nada, none. As in, when I was handing out the food chits and TIPS coupons I took them for myself only.

Do you realize that people like Scott Dowd - who now has other personal commitments for the year - have been doing this for a long, long time now and we've come to expect it without a thought? And do you realize that at this moment we do not have a Chief of Tech for the LRP School/Regional in two weeks, nor the event at NHMS in July (I can't/won't do it, as I have other commitments)? How are you planning on getting that sticker to be allowed off the grid...?

Dave Faita stepped up to the plate to join the SIT program. Did you know he had to be Chief Steward for both Black Flag and Tech because there was not enough people to have one for each?

Peg Dowd had work commitments for Friday, so she could not be there early Friday; she opened registration at 7PM with a looooooong line of people - competitors and volunteers - waiting to get into the track. How many of those people do you think have been taking it for granted that registration will be open for them when they get there, and were annoyed that it wasn't so during dinnertime?

Did you know that we have several events this year where we do not have a Chief Steward committed for the event???

And trust me, these are not the only shortfalls we're running into. there were numerous people flipping different hats over the weekend.

Each time we go on the Internet and look at the available races we assume someone will always be there to schedule the event and chair the region's race program and coordinate the work. Then we download and read the supps (that someone had to create and send to Topeka to get approved) and look at the schedule, and we assume it's all going to happen. We drive to the track and find that registration is open, and we assume it will always be, and when we pay our money we assume the cash will somehow magically flow in the background to cover all the expenses. Then we walk with our helmets over to Tech and get our event stickers in 5 minutes and assume we always can. We jump in our cars and drive over to the Grid and see the same wonderful faces and assume they'll always be there, then we drive out onto the track and see the white suits all around and assume they'll always be there on each station. Then we hit Miatas and assume there will always be a Black Flag Steward to talk to. And then we walk over to Timing and Scoring and expect our lap times to be posted and then we glance up at Control and assume those lights up there will always be on.

Well, it's getting to the point where they very well may not be.

The same people are doing the same work over and over again, and it's got to change. Many of these people are simply tired of doing it over and over again. They really enjoy doing it, and it's not that they don't feel appreciated, it's just that they, too, have lives and changing personal commitments. We've taken it for granted that these people are going to run the show forever, but the situation is teetering right on the edge such that all it takes it one person to get a new job and the whole game changes completely; we may not have enough people to put on the event at all...

So it's time for everyone to "man up". This is a club organization. We're all members. If we want this club racing organization to continue then we're going to have to all do our part. I'm not saying you have to take vacation time and go to an event for a weekend and do nothing but work (though it's really what the club needs right now) but we have enough people in this organization such that if everyone chips in just a little bit then this looming crisis can be averted. Can you work Registration on Friday and/or Saturday AM during the peak times so that one of those persons can skip the event and focus on the next one? Can you work Tech and check helmets Friday/Saturday so that the same people aren't doing it all the time (or at least be there on Saturday because the tech chief couldn't be there Friday and everyone's screaming Saturday AM that their session is coming up)? Any interest in the Stewards program so you can help run the show at the track? Can you work with the regional and event race chairpersons pre-event to help coordinate what needs to be done to put on the event? How about working Grid, Pit, T&S, or a corner for a session or two? It all adds up.

Even better, how about taking one weekend - one weekend - and working a specialty, relieving the load from people who are coming close to the tipping point? No, it won't be as fun or exciting as racing but it's a hell of a lot cheaper and with it comes a sense of satisfaction that you won't get even when you win the race. Because without the former you soon may not get the latter.

Just sayin'.


P.S. Did you know you can get reduced SCCA membership renewal costs, gas cards, and/or Red Roof Inn discounts for volunteering and working days? You won't get rich, but...

After having worked in Timing a few times with Linda, I was able to see ALL of the stuff that happens in the tower. A tremendously dedicated and throughtful group - actually more like a family - hangs out in the tower, spending their free time so we can assume we can go play. My wife and I really enjoy working in Timing. Not because counting cars is fun......cause it ain't. But because of the people.

While track time for me this year is very very limited. My wife and I will reach out to donate some time. We would love to work corners....we went and got our amateur radio liceneses just for that reason to help out Rally NY (plus Dad is a monster Ham guy...worked out well for the car....fitted with a 2 meter radio). But the Flagging schools timing didnt work out for us. None-the-less, it would be really great to work with that family again, and we will.

Thanks for bringing this to the forefront.
I know these questions seem silly to you but...
I got Tech added to my license like you told me and want to help out at LRP Friday night and Saturday morning! How do I let someone know?
There isn't anyone listed for Tech on the Supps!
Hi Chris,

We would be more than happy to have you come to any event and we will give you lots of training. If you let us know ahead of time we will make arrangements for extra special treatment. By knowing you are coming ahead of time we can do some pre race set up to make it more enjoyable.
If you aren't racing at Lime Rock oin June why not come out and enjoy a day with us?

Marianne Lyons
NER co-chief F&C
Denise, therein lies the main problem: there is currently no Chief of Tech for the LRP event at this point. And despite a number of emails to known licensed scrutineers in NER, Scott has not been able to get anyone to step up to the plate to do it (I'm committed to run the NJMP 12 Hour that weekend, a conflict that generates YET ANOTHER PET PEEVE DISCUSSION OF MINE)...and neither does the July NHMS event (which conflicts with the WGI Double National - that I'm entered in - and even another NJMP event)...!!!

So no Chief of Tech? Who's gonna issue the vehicle stickers? Who's going to inspect the cars that need annuals (and issue logbooks to the students that show up with new cars)? Who's going to sign off crash damage so the cars can be released from impound after an incident? And, who's going to ensure basic compliance with things such as a post-race weight?

Despite all that, I'm confident someone will show up. Can't guarantee it, but someone usually does. Regardless, you can do it solo, Denise, within the limits of your authority: as a Regional Scrutineer (something each of us already has by default) you can check logbooks and issue stickers to drivers with current annual inspections, and you can check gear and issue helmet stickers. All you have to do is get the stickers from the race chair Jerry Rigoli, who will be there (as he always is...but for how long?) But if someone shows up that needs an annual and/or needs a new logbook, activities that exceed your authority they're SOL unless a Divisional/National-licensed scrutineer is available. We will, literally, have to tell them to go home.


So, Denise, don't feel shy about showing up during the scheduled tech hours, there will always be something you can do to help. Send Jerry a note to let him know, but you don't even have to call ahead; trust me, whoever's there - especially if it's just drivers with helmets and logbooks in hand - will appreciate it.

Does SCCA or any of the regions have any good videos to promote volunteering? Or what other recruitment tools exist that people can incorporate and help, not just in the NE but overall?
IIRR, SCCA used to have some commercials for membership recruiting.

It doesn't help when you show up at a race and the specialty chief says 'I have enough people, I don't need you'.... And this was from a person who had been selected as Worker of the Year for that specialty less than a month before the incident!!! Obviously not selected for their management skills.

Or when you are left alone at a remote location and no one even bothers to check to see if you are still there.

BTW, I will be at Lime Rock on 6/18. Greg, PM me your cell phone and I can help for a while. Would love to try tech.
oops! I will need an annual Friday morning at LRP! Please let there be a Divisional/National-licensed scrutineer available! PLEASE!

I've been interested in doing something to give back to the club, but was concerned I wouldn't be considered qualified being reletively new to it and not quite as "wise" as most of the rest of you...

Also don't want to make commitments I can't keep!

That said, I am willing to give it a shot :) I have already taken work off for the LRP race coming up, but will not be competing so I will be available to help.

where is my help neeed and where do I sign?! :D
Bill, I won't be there, but just show up, they'll be glad to have you there.

Mickey, I'm confident a Divisional or National-licensed scru will show up. Just can't guarantee it...maybe you could find someone local to you to get that done in advance? You're upstate NY, right?

Chris, where's your interests? Tech, T&S, Reg? Don't know, want to try different ones? find what you're interested in and do that, 'cause the more you're interested in it, the more likely you are to do it. And trust me, you're qualified and/or you'll get educated quickly enough.

I am in NYC and the car was upstate. The car moved down to NYC with me in March. I don't know anyone in NYR SCCA and should probably place some effort here. Based on the NYR-scca web site the Chief of Scruitineering is Richard Welty! who is located back in my old stomping grounds in the capital region of Albany. LOL! No surprise there. My next best option would be Northern Jersey region - does Bill Etherington in Ewing (about 2h away) sound right as someone that can help?
Tech or T&S are where I have knowlegde and/or experience... Also the most interest :blink:

Also thinking this will be a good way to get to know more people :) it has always bugged me (for multiple reasons) not knowing half the people I am on track with...

thanks Greg!

First I would like to thank you for chiefing the last event, you stepped up to the plate and did what had to be done.

Second I commend you on such an eloquent post, you have summed up what many voluinteers have been thinking for quite a while.

WE ARE AT DEFKON 4. Volunteers are burnt and dropping!

enough A$$ kissing.

If any of you out there in racecar land want to help, just show up at the track and ask were to go, or request a specialty..

I am the Tech Chief for the LRP event with plans to be there early thursday evening. At this time I have no helpers scheduled to be with me but all are welcome.

brian mushnick
Bill, I won't be there, but just show up, they'll be glad to have you there.

Mickey, I'm confident a Divisional or National-licensed scru will show up. Just can't guarantee it...maybe you could find someone local to you to get that done in advance? You're upstate NY, right?

Chris, where's your interests? Tech, T&S, Reg? Don't know, want to try different ones? find what you're interested in and do that, 'cause the more you're interested in it, the more likely you are to do it. And trust me, you're qualified and/or you'll get educated quickly enough.


Don't forget F&C, as a driver we've already got experience with how F&C works. It's a great way to see how the fast guys drive a particular corner. So, driver wise it's very educational. As I once heard Linda Haneline say, "Our resolve is flagging."
And keep this in mind too, IIRC, you can ask to be moved around if you are afraid of being stuck someplace all day. Maybe spend the morning on one station, the afternoon in pits, helping race chair, etc. Better if we can get several people to come cover parts of shifts instead of only one or two who can commit to a full day.

Great way to see different perspectives of the event too. And you meet tons of people.

My favorite was sitting in on race control. Fascinating indeed! I think every driver should work corners, registration, tech, grid, control, at least once. It really rounds your education.
And keep this in mind too, IIRC, you can ask to be moved around if you are afraid of being stuck someplace all day. Maybe spend the morning on one station, the afternoon in pits, helping race chair, etc. Better if we can get several people to come cover parts of shifts instead of only one or two who can commit to a full day.

Great way to see different perspectives of the event too. And you meet tons of people.

My favorite was sitting in on race control. Fascinating indeed! I think every driver should work corners, registration, tech, grid, control, at least once. It really rounds your education.

I'll be on crutches for the rest of June and July but would be glad to help from a chair or cart at NHMS in July.
I will be there both June 18/19. June 18 will be school, but I can do some work on June 19. I may or may not have a race depending if I get signed off, but will be free for much of the remaining day.

EDIT: I am a total rookie of course - so limited to idiot-proof tasks. Sweeping the floor in timing & scoring, or dbl yellow holder-upper at a flag station. I am also an EMT, but have no certificate in the US, and have not done this in a loooong time since I drove ambulances back in Germany.
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Bruce and Kai

I am sure every group would love to have your help - and I hope you will considerd teh F&C group. Bruce - we can give you a seat in the tower (sit all day , close by bathrooms, air conditioned) and you can act as record. What you would be doing is writing down the communications between Control and the flag stations. NOw before you say you dont write fast you don't have to wrtie every word down - just teh facts! We would be happy to have you there.

As for you Kai if you don't get signed off and have are interested in trying F&C we offer on the job training. Of course Tech would probably love to have your help also and I don't want to be selfish... Well yes I do but I can pretend!

For Lime Rock if you are interested in flagging I will be at the concession stand on Friday from 8:15 on Friday and 7:15 on Saturday. Ask for me or Dan Hoffman and someone will point us out.

At NHMS Bruce just let me know if you are interested.
My e-mail is nerflagchief AT charter.com if anyone wants more information about volunteering in any way.

As for you Kai if you don't get signed off and have are interested in trying F&C we offer on the job training. .......


You know Marianne, I could arrange to be Kai's instructor, and he DID have some braking judgment issues at NHMS, (wink wink), soooo....we might be able to arrange him having some extra hurdles in getting him signed off if you need him... ;)