Volunteering in NEDiv

This won't necessarily help the immediate short term need for LRP, but could be steps in the right direction for the future. I briefly touch upon volunteering and the benefits of doing so on my website, but certainly can and should expand upon if you'd like.

In addition to including more written portions, I believe a video(s) showing the various positions and what's in it for them to volunteer (fun and learn) would be valuable. With Kai's help, we put together an "intro to motorsports video" and althought just released, it's been quite well received thus far. Maybe someone here has better video editing abilities? Or we could get some help capturing video to be used?

Where can more information about the various volunteering positions be found? Yes, I did some searching but wasn't able to find what I am hoping to find. Basically looking for basic stuff and higher level overview of what it's about, the fun aspects that will lure people into giving it try and make them feel comfortable volunteering.

When speaking with people about about it, some of the reasons people are apprehensive about volunteering is they just don't know what to expect, are nervous if they're qualified / feel overwhelmed by the idea, and worry about the time commitment.

I think what the San Fran Region and possibly others do is a great idea. It doesn't have to be exactly like this, but there are parts of this approach I really like.

What is an Ambassador Tour?
An Ambassador Tour provides potential participants with a behind-the-scenes look at all the volunteer specialties in the San Francisco Region. Ambassador Tours are available at every club event throughout the year and typically begin around 10 a.m. Tours last approximately two hours and, at the end, guests are invited to join all SFR-SCCA workers for lunch.

What happens after the tour?
After the Ambassador Tour, guests are welcome to spectate for the remainder of the day. We also welcome them to sign up for membership with SCCA and try their hand at volunteering in the afternoon.

After the weekend is over, an SCCA representative will follow up with the referral to see if they are interested in becoming a full-fledged volunteer!
You know Marianne, I could arrange to be Kai's instructor, and he DID have some braking judgment issues at NHMS, (wink wink), soooo....we might be able to arrange him having some extra hurdles in getting him signed off if you need him... ;)

D'UH!!! :o


Marianne, I am fine with whatever work - will all be VERY interesting - so will work where they need people most.

Does SCCA or any of the regions have any good videos to promote volunteering? Or what other recruitment tools exist that people can incorporate and help, not just in the NE but overall?

The Atlanta Region has one on their website.


Paul Gauzens, SIT, won an award for it at the last National Convention.

I feel your pain. We could not get enough volunteers so we had to institute a "Worker Expense Reimbursement Program" to make sure we had enough people. It takes a huge financial bite, but we no longer lack workers. Hopefully it will not put us under.
Thank you for posting this Greg. Well written and to the point.

Bottom line is we need more volunteers to help everywhere or else the drivers need to be prepared to spend a lot more for entry fees.

As Tom mentioned Atlanta did it and as a result some of their events lost money and the fees had to go up.

Please do not let it get to this point... As once you begin paying people to flag, etc you can not turn back easily and the entry fees will be forever higher than we are paying today.
I've always thought it was a shame that it cost money to volunteer., so I try and always add $20 to the fund on my entry. Sometimes I bring Home depot gift certs too. How many people do this? I was thinking everyone, but????
I've always thought it was a shame that it cost money to volunteer., so I try and always add $20 to the fund on my entry.
Jake, are you familiar with the TIPS program in NER? For each day that someone volunteers, they're given a coupon called a TIPS (I don't know what the acronym stands for). These can be used for different things; for example three TIPS coupons are good for an $8 gas card, or maybe a discount toward Red Roof, and even discounts on membership renewals, among other things. And, we give double TIPS for being there Friday! Before this weekend I thought TIPS were only good for merchandise...boy, was I wrong. Maybe Brian can give us a run-down on what these can be used for?

SCCA Topeka has a volunteer incentive program, too: log into SCCM.COM, Member Home/My Membership. There you can log your Volunteer Participation; four days gets you $15 off your membership renewal all the way up to a $45 discount for twelve or more days.

Plus, don't forget the worker event donations, which go directly to the quality of food offered Saturday nights and for paying for the TIPS....

Yeah, no one's gonna get rich off of that, but every little bit helps.

There are many ways we try to incent our workers.

1. The region pays for their lunches & dinners by giving them coupons/bucks (money) to use at the track restaurants.
2. We hand out TIPS at the end of the weekend that can be used for many different things. Some include paying for your membership, buying gas cards, hotels, annual banquets, clothing and other merchandise.
3. Drivers have the ability to add money to their entry fees for the workers fund. This money is used for a workers raffle and is not kept by the region.
4. At the end of every weekend there is also usually a worker of the weekend award given for an A+ effort.

Bottom line is the same people are volunteering EVERY SINGLE RACE and they are burned out. We need reinforcements!!
Worker donations go to many things: Cash raffel, lunches, dinner and tips, come to mind quickly.
We give out far more than we receive.
Bottom line is the same people are volunteering EVERY SINGLE RACE and they are burned out. We need reinforcements!!

Sounds wrong that there are 150 race entries for the regional and a shortage of workers... if volunteering doesn't cut it, should SCCA require work from the racers, like NASA seems to do?

Alternative could be raising the entry fees and giving a hefty "discount" (that effectively brings fees down to the current level) to people who volunteer at least a certain number of times a season.
Bottom line is the same people are volunteering EVERY SINGLE RACE and they are burned out. We need reinforcements!!

Broken record, beating a dead horse warning:

WE (big picture we, as the region/area/ not just we as NER) have too many races. This past weekend was a great example. If i was a worker I would have had to choose between a few events. Bur, yea, we've hashed this out before....

So, in figuring out what I can do, I'm looking at the schedule. I was going to help instruct, so Friday will be tight with all the instructing and mporeeping the car and qualifying sessions. (no crew).

But Saturday, I'm group 5.

So that kind of breaks things up. I could do something for groups 1 and 2, then, (hopefully I'll need to be in impound for grp 6, LOL) again for 7 and 8. I'd be happy to do whatever if that timing is useful in anyway. Thoughts from the insiders?
Broken record, beating a dead horse warning:

WE (big picture we, as the region/area/ not just we as NER) have too many races. This past weekend was a great example. If i was a worker I would have had to choose between a few events. Bur, yea, we've hashed this out before....

Jake having multiple events on the same weekend never happens this was a one time deal. the problem is "We" have LESS volunteer period. they are not coming out like they use to. Many long time workers are getting how you say OLD and just don't commit to as many weekends as the past and "WE" as a group have not done a very good job at attracting new blood.

The other issue is that again "WE" have basically promoted the pay to play system leaving many drivers to believe the money spent on registration covers their "member/volunteer" commitment.

I don't have the answer but I know changes need to be made ASAP.

TIP's Track Incentive Plan
Brian, I'm not saying the event conflicts are the issue, I'm saying that the number of events is probably a contributing factor. As you said, "not coming out as much"...if there are less days to fill it's easier.

personally, I'd have no problem having mandated fees attached to entries, I don't think any volunteer should have to pay for their membership and food etc. I think the TIPS program and other incentive programs are great, and a step in the right direction.
Working F&C

Well, an SRF rental did not work out for "School's Out". So I will dig out my old 'whites' and come out to LRP on the 19th to do some F&C work. Should be fun.
Quick simple solution: when planning your racing schedule add one date to work or take one off and work!
We don't need ideas and plans, we need you to work!
Sorry, if you can find time to race then you can find time to work.
We are all spoiled, we show up for events and never ask how things are getting done, we just expect it.
We don't need ideas and plans, we need you to work!

Yes, there's a definate need to find people to volunteer for the upcoming races but we most certainly need longer term solutions and ideas / plans. We know that trying to get racers to volunteer as a long term solution is going to be quite challenging. Not saying it should be, but that's the reality.

I'm saying that the number of events is probably a contributing factor.

I know you're being polite Jake, but of course the number of events being held is a big factor.
The problem with plans and ideas is everyone has them but expects someone else to execute them!
We need a volunteer to volunteer to get volunteers! it's simple!
We need a volunteer to volunteer to get volunteers! it's simple!

I'll certainly give it a try.

What types of things do other organizations do that are quite successful in recruiting volunteers do?
What types of things do other organizations do that are quite successful in recruiting volunteers do?
1) Force drivers to work - or force them to provide a worker - or they don't race;
2) Charge a hell of a lot more for entries so they can pay workers.

I like Jerry idea of "One Day"; maybe that can be our new slogan? One Day per year of volunteering per year per driver would almost resolve our long-term issues. We got, what, 400+ licensed drivers in our area? 400 man-days of extra volunteering over all of our races is a lot of extra help. Give one weekend and we're sitting high on the hog...

One Day. Give it a shot.
