Tom, nothing new in this case, except Windell has found a way to make his grenade motors last a few laps longer before they ........grenade.
Windell is funny, as you pointed out, it's a cat and mouse game. In Atlanta, he was average on the straights at best.. hmmmmm, they take things apart down there, so you better not be running funny stuff in your heads....
Most times, I have watched him go down in flames or smoke or steam or a pool of oil on the side of the track.
Solutions? I know you won't like it, but of course, he has to be talked to. Maybe Richie should talk to him when he's taking a porta poddy break. Make sure Richie knows to tip door side down!
OK, kidding...kinda.
In the NER, at least in IT, he's the worst kept "secret" going...or I wouldn't be writing what I've written. If he isn't cheating, then he needs to go into business. You have to tear him down. He's blazing fast one day, blows up ALL the time, but is average on other days. All over the map that guy.
I know, you had a bad experience.....I've talked with some stewards that were there on that day, and the disgust in the way it played out is evident. I get the impression that it is now impossible for that result to replay.
The penalty was an absolute joke. High compression pistons, used to win races and set records, and a one race DQ??? A fiasco to say the least.
I think that that protest set waves thru the steward AND the race community, and I haven't heard on peep that thinks the result was fair or proper from either side.
I think that you won't see the same result, and that any protest will be handled more professionally, and that the punishment will be much more fitting of the crime, should the car be found illegal.
Think Windell reads the site??