WGI Fun One....who's in?

One more race group in 2010 (8, vs. 7 in 2009). The hope was to thin out the traffic and avoid carnage. Of course, when nearly 400 cars showed up, group size was about the same as last year.

To make it all fit, the sessions had to be shortened. Preliminary estimate was "Saturday last checker at 5:15", but it was at 6:00. Overtime bill (OT beyond 4pm, since we started at 8am) will be huge.

What to do ? Limit race group size (somewhere well below the SCCA max allowable of "25 cars / mile") ? Drop classes ? Abolish crashes and engine explosions ?

I can't wait to see the speedy-dry bill from last weekend...
It was a great event, carnage and fog not withstanding. Many thanks to all the volunteers who made it possible. However I do have a couple of pet peeves that apply to this, as well as, many other events.

1. Two days later and we still do not have final results from Sunday. WDC usually has theirs posted on the NESCCA web site the same night. Why is this so difficult for other regions? Please someone educate me.

2. Trophies generally are.. well, rather pathetic. This time they'll come in the mail "within 30 days". Good idea with the picture framed but 30 day later???

I understand that this is all volunteer work but..come on, in the large scheme of things, none of these is a huge added burden. But they go a long way in generating excitement, especially with family and friends.
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Results were on mylaps yesterday. Commendable!!

If you are going to late out pet peeves about that track, it has got to be their PA system.

I think it probably only can be heard near the garage.
THawkbh;312052You're right. I can't even describe how much of a difference it made. With your dark colored car at that time of night said:
My main concern this weekend was tire testing, don't get me wrong if there was a dog to fight....any way I finally got the data I needed in the race Sunday. It was fun meeting a lot of new people and seeing the people I have known for awhile. I hope I'm able to make the 4 hour in Oct. I won't be driving my car, but I believe it will be a BMW.
2. Trophies generally are.. well, rather pathetic.

After my last Glen event, I was giving this some thought. During the event I received some "items that were useful." People had great intentions with the ideas, and it might because I haven't won or placed in enough races yet? It was explained that the cost of trophies has increased quite a bit during the past few years. Okay, that's fine. I'd be fine with a print-out of my place, my name, and a $5 frame. Heck, don't even give the $5 frame. lol 30 days later, things we could use (I spend a stupid amount of money on this racing addiction versus a $10 bottle of car wash), eh. Stick with emotional rewards. Then again I still have my 2005 pimp chalice and crappy bottle of champaign in the garage entry way. I love that!!!
One more race group in 2010 (8, vs. 7 in 2009). The hope was to thin out the traffic and avoid carnage. Of course, when nearly 400 cars showed up, group size was about the same as last year.

To make it all fit, the sessions had to be shortened. Preliminary estimate was "Saturday last checker at 5:15", but it was at 6:00. Overtime bill (OT beyond 4pm, since we started at 8am) will be huge.

What to do ? Limit race group size (somewhere well below the SCCA max allowable of "25 cars / mile") ? Drop classes ? Abolish crashes and engine explosions ?

I can't wait to see the speedy-dry bill from last weekend...

To make it all fit?? The event from my view is like trying to stuff 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag. I say this only to make the point that I know the costs are high for the Glen but the lack of track time just doesn't justify the costs. John from somewher in upper NY state, ;~) I don't relish your job. You're torn between 10 different things and I thank you for doing this hard job. But from a business aspect IMO you need to go for quality, give the people something for their money and reduce the 8 groups just fill how many groups you do end up having. You have to know by now that with all these cars your going to have problems and with 8 groups, everyone's going to come out with the short end of the stick. I love the event I just can't justify the costs.
But from a business aspect IMO you need to go for quality, give the people something for their money and reduce the 8 groups just fill how many groups you do end up having. You have to know by now that with all these cars your going to have problems and with 8 groups, everyone's going to come out with the short end of the stick.

Dan -

It's a balancing act.

Too few groups, and everyone bitches about too much traffic, requests their own splits ("Sorry, can't do 4 split starts in a single race group, buddy") and, if everthing goes perfectly, you could finish the day at 3:30pm and get accused of not using all the "track hours" that are paid for.

Too many groups, and you risk overtime costs and shortened sessions.

What's a region to do ? For years, the Fun One ran 8 race groups...even wedged in a 1-hour handicap enduro on Saturday a couple of years.

For example - the Glen Region's July Sprints regional Saturday schedule...nearly identical to the Fun One schedule (8 groups, 15 min Q, 7 lap races vs. 8 groups, 12 min Q, 8 lap races), PLUS it had a 30 minute qualifying session for Pro-IT. All went well...everyone loved it. What was the difference ?

Well...Saturday at the Fun One, group 1 Q had a major track oiler and several tow-ins, as did group 2 and group 5, 6 & 8 (and probably a few more). Group 2 race (split start) had a flipper Volvo in T1 PLUS a multi-car wreck at the Bus Stop IN THE FIRST LAP, BEFORE the 2nd split had even taken the green. Major clean-up, plus a re-grid for the restart. Later race group had another flipper (Miata this time). Oh...and a Formula Ford upside down someplace in their race. And another on fire. And more oilers in several more groups. And tow-ins.

Lessons ? Don't crash ? Don't blow up ? How does anyone enforce that ?

Serious question - If we limit groups and limit car counts in those groups, entry costs will go up. Significantly, maybe. What are racers willing to tolerate re: entry fees ?
I agree with John...there are way to many variables that played a part this past weekend that we can't control. I had a blast and love running the short course...:eclipsee_steering:
Gheez, what would have happened if you had a Pro IT race this weekend? All I know is that Group 7 had a 5 lap race on Sat. That didn't give me a chance to warm my tires. :) and Sunday 12 laps in less than 18 minutes. I didn't get to break a sweat. At least in the 4 hr I'll get about a good 2 hrs (if all goes well) for about the same price I got 30 mins at the Fun One. I'd like to see the races up to 12 laps on the long and 15 to 18 laps on the short. If I come up with any good ideas on how to make the races longer within the alotted time and with out your region going broke, I'll let you know. hehe
I ran the Fun One in '09 and '10, prefer the '10 schedule. I double-dipped ITR/ITE on Sunday, made sure I got my track time in...
How much more did you have to pay to get enough seat time?

$100 was the cost of a second weekend entry. Funny thing is, I felt very safe out there with the groundpounders. The track is so wide and fast that it was hard to interfere with them.
Test Day was $250.00 for 3 30 minute sessions . Plus you could register and get in for the event Friday AM.:)
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