Hi Guys.
It's your former DOC, "she who must be replaced" speaking. (But we're not gong there.) I no longer have any stake, nor any position, nor influence, nor any knowledge of what's happening, so I'm a blind innocent at the moment ... (Hoorah!!) ... I don't even run the charity stuff anymore.
I knew when I saw the FV/F5 entries that that issue would be back on the table. Actually, guys, it's not just the speed differential but also the size differential. And remember that "open wheel" racing has its own unique set of dangers not present when you have bumpers and fenders. A "metal to metal" contact has a whole different meaning for this bunch ... like if you actually get close enough to have a "metal to metal" you're already past the wheels and not exactly in a good place ...
But still. 7 cars.
There were actually 3 Atlantics (a record number recently!), but only one that made the grade for the whole weekend. However, you still have to count the other two, because they were there, and because they were on track at least some of the time (but not much!).
Anyway. The whole class grouping issue is one that is extraordinarily painful for the region, In a way, we are victims of our own success. I was on the competition committee for 7 years and it has been a battle every single year. And every year it's been a different group or class with the problems. Bet most of you don't remember when we had 30 SSC Neons ... or 55 SRX7s ... or even enough FV/ F5s that we had split starts (course, the F5s were F440s then). Or how about production and SRF? Just because we lump groups together doesn't mean we like any of it. It usually comes down to "doing the least harm", and different people define that different ways! A no-win situation ...
Frequently it looks like adding a 10th race group would be the ideal solution. And it would - except for the problems of daylight, worker fatigue etc - to run 10 groups would (I think) necessarily mean shortening each group by at least 1, maybe 2 race laps ... plus adjustments to the practice/qualifying sessions on Saturday ...
For the record, the group 8 / station 8 debacle did involve two GT-1 cars. I heard all kinds of post-event hooh-hah from many different directions, and am sure procedures will be changed as a result...