What do I do about this?

Jim Royal

New member
So, Im on the pole in ITC (always a 6-12 car field so yes it was earned). The Last place SM pushes you 2 wheels off on the start by trying to ram his way between me and #2 in ITC. His frnt right was leaning on my driver door pushing me off the track. This is not the first time this dude has hit me and he has hit two other cars in 5 events. In fact I can count 5 metal on metal issues since last fall. To add to that he backed it off into the tires during Qualifying on Sunday and Hit me after a spin during Sundays race. I had a loud but polite conversation with him but it didn't seem to sink in. Rather than just taking him out behind the woodshed how can I throw paper at him so the powers that be start keeping a closer eye on him?
file a protest against him, sighting a part of the GCR that he did not abid to (no wreckless driving. Talk to your Steward about him, maybe not just your Steward for your group, but the SOM. Good luck, I hate idiot drivers.

We have only met once, but we raced hard but fair for two days at Nelson Ledges in 2008.
There are two ways to deal with boneheads like this. The first and most accepted way is to file a protest for contact and rough driving. Push the stewards hard on a tough penalty and make it very clear that you will accept nothing less. Keep doing this EVERY time there is contact until this other drivers behavior changes. This will also create a paper trail that will follow this clown. Eventually the stewards will be tired of seeing you and (more importantly) him in the tower. The system works if you use it.

The second way is to be "more to the point" directly with him. I recommend a baseball bat or jack handle.:blink:

dave parker
Jim, the solution is tr=icky, and sadly that means it's not followed up on, and things like this get out of control. As in life, a PAPER trail is key. You can go talk to Steards, but, they really can't do much, without you filing paper. You can tell them about all the incidents until you are blue in the face, but, they really have their hands tied, "where are the past incident reports and protests?", they will ask.

It's too late now, but, next time, march your butt into the tower and demand pencil and paper. Bring your GCR, and start writing. They will likely refer you to a Steward who will help you. It always seems these Stewards try to calm you down and talk you out of it, but, press on, and if they do, tell them firmly that you will be writing it up, and you want their assistance in writing an effective protest. Read the GCR. Also, on this site, there are stickied guides to how to navigate the procedures.

If somebody had done this 5 incidents ago, there wouldn't BE five incidents.
The second way is to be "more to the point" directly with him. I recommend a baseball bat or jack handle.:blink:

dave parker
Those leave evidence.
On a nice humid, hot day, borrow his tie down straps, follow him to Porta Potty. Wait 15 seconds after door closes, wrap strap around porta potty, then push from rear until he's swimming. Walk away.
Jake is right, on his first post anyway, you need to write paper and get others to as well. past incidents are not relevant to the protest at hand. You need to get a paper trail. Once there is a number of findings it is possible to lobby for a driver review that can look at his antics more long term but most problem children have left the club of at least the class by then.
Thanks for the advice. I will have to be more proactive in the future so I can nip these things before they get out of control. I love racing and I don't want my season to be cut shot by a backmarker with a heavy foot and no brain. Here's a link (not mine) from earlier this year where he pushes himself in and then decides he's going too fast and locks up all 4 going into turn 1 at the start. If you look close he actuall hits to Volvo going back into the woods.


See if you can pick out the A##hat in question?
First step is to talk with your operating steward for the group. Either your corner workers or the steward are not doing their job. Metal to Metal is to be reported every time and in the Southeast is usually a loss of 2 positions and possible probation if it continues. There should be a corner log for all contact that can be used in dealing with the driver.

Now the unofficial way to handle it is either the port o jon method or make it clear than any future contact will be very expensive as they go by. Always seemed to work well for me.
This is one of the main reasons I moved from ITC to ITA many years ago: fast ITC cars end up right in the middle-back pack of SM's. That's a terrible place to race.
That's funny, I was about to post the same video. I like the part where he pushes jay practically off track before oak tree and then cuts across his bow, also not nice.

Or this one where he goes two wheels in the grass before the carousel. Yikes, what's the fricking hurry?


So far he hasn't hit me but I think only because I am a scarity-cat. But I do get some classic video from it.
Sorry Jim, I do not have video of the lap 2 incident at oak tree. I was too far behind after my lap 1 lesson in heat cycled rear tires. I just have the aftermath of him getting back up to speed with his blinker on.
Hmmm seems I missed all the action this weekend. Not that its a good thing. I would have been really upset if that happened to me...especially knowing that guys record of contact, ramming, etc.
Im not sure what you can do now since the race is over...happened in the past. But it sure seems this wasnt a "racing incident" If your the last place Miata..you are not the fastest. Cars 2 classes slower than him beat him. I would never ruin a race between classes. Its just not right.
Here's one from last year. We were coming around to lap him.
There I got it out of my system! :dead_horse:I will either have to start throwing paper at him or just shut-up and race.

Thanks again! This place is like cheap therapy!
I haven't seen dad this happy in a while. He bought a well prepared car and it turns out he's not all that bad at driving it.

I had the fuel injector fail (at least thats what it looks like) it was just dribbling fuel instead of spraying it. The fuel pressure is reading OK so I think the injector packed it in.

I had a great weekend all in all, I just need to make sure everything is up to snuff for IT Fest. You should really try to make that one!
Since it's more than likeyly that this type of incident will happen again, get yourself prepared with the protest papers prior to the next event.

Have you tried a group talk? Maybe even tell him that you guys are fed up with it, and have everything in line for the next time he does these ontrack antics. Maybe even give the stewards a heads-up and ask that they pay a bit closer attention to this driver.
Since it's more than likeyly that this type of incident will happen again, get yourself prepared with the protest papers prior to the next event.

Have you tried a group talk? Maybe even tell him that you guys are fed up with it, and have everything in line for the next time he does these ontrack antics. Maybe even give the stewards a heads-up and ask that they pay a bit closer attention to this driver.

Try him out with the fact that more than one driver has him misbehaving on video and if there is anymore contact or poor judgement on his part, several of you will lodge a formal protest.:dead_horse: