Really??? The fastest way to get a license is to do the SCCA 2x school weekend and you've got a novice permit to go racing!! How much easier should it be? One weekend of your time and you can go racing. There are schools all over the country and lets call it Thursday evening to Monday afternoon to get there and get back. You can travel +/-750 miles in that time and do the school. This is 2 days off work and a weekend of time to go from no license to having the novice permit and going racing! Might not be a school in your back yard, but this is the upcoming schedule for drivers schools per the SCCA website:
Summer School/School's Out at Lime Rock Park
Lime Rock Park
New England Region
Drivers School/Regional/PDX/TES at Sebring-Short Course
Sebring International Raceway
Central Florida Region
Drivers School/Test Day/SARRC at Atlanta Motorsport Park
Atlanta Motorsport Park
Atlanta Region
Last Chance of 2012 Driver School/Regional with Enduro at Watkins Glen Int'l
Watkins Glen International
Glen Region
Atlanta is the closest of these to Houston , last time I did the Atlanta tow was to the Runoffs and it was something like 14 hrs. Not too many new racers are going to make that tow when they can tow 1.5 hrs to the NASA Comp School .
If they are larger budget guys the MSRH school is another option , but that's $$$