Some thoughts, although I've asked around to see if MazdaSpeeders who are NOT SCCA members got the same survey. It would be significant if they did NOT...
1 *What is your Team Support Number (preferred) or Name?
2 *My primary racing organization in 2007 was:
Other, please specify
Again, without knowing who got the survey, it's difficult to decode the intent of this. If in fact the survey went to EVERY MazdaSpeed member, then it could be as simple as it seems. If not, that's important. It's not an accident that SCCA is first on the list and NASA is second. People who create surveys but don't actively strategize against telegraphing their intent very often put the responses that they care about most first in the list, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.
This item also presumes that the respondent has a "primary racing organization." I'm a member of both organizations and while I ran more SCCA than NASA events, I don't know that my desired response - that I am not primarily affiliated with just one group - is there to choose.
3 *Consider how happy you are with the primary club with which you currently compete. Please indicate how likely you would be to consider switching to another sanctioning body if you could campaign your Mazda elsewhere.
I am not satisfied with the organization I race with and would consider a change to another organization if I had the option
I am relatively satisfied with the current organization I race with but am interested in exploring other organizations
I am very satisfied with the current organization I race with and would not consider changing
Not sure
The interesting thing here is that I THINK MazdaSpeed supports individual racers with the same basic program (parts, etc.) regardless of the sanction under which they race, right? If so, what is MazdaSpeed's interest in any of those individuals changing their primary affiliation (to the degree that they have one)? This is troublesome. If MazdaSpeed isn't supporting SCCA as an organization - and Tim's comments are about the racer as "customer" - then what's up?
The "profile" items (deleted here; about which other sanctioning bodies, how many races, etc.) help the developer to decide how much weight should be put on any given response. If someone only ran one Regional, then they aren't as "important" to planning decisions as someone who runs a full season of Nationals and the RubOffs.
9 *Are you aware of any NASA racing events that are held at race tracks in your area? (race tracks where you normally compete)
Not Sure
Other, please specify
10 *Have you participated in any NASA Events?
Again - VERY telling. They've already asked what other organizations the respondent has raced with, but now want to know specifically about NASA. Not an accident, suggesting that this is what they really care about. (Probably not a surprise to anyone who's looked at this.) This is also an opportunity for branching logic...
11 Comments about anything on this page? (optional)
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
...and since this looks like it's a new page, it suggests that the following questions are indeed presented using adaptive logic - the following items being based on responses on the previous page. I'm going to guess that Ron checked "No" - that he had never participated in a NASA event.
If you have not participated in a NASA racing event, please read the comment in the question below and check the one that most appropriately finishes the sentence for you:
12 *There are NASA racing events in my area…
- but I have not participated in them.
- but I do not care to participate in them.
- and I will be participating in their events in 2008.
I am not aware of a local NASA region or chapter that exists in my area.
Other, please specify
13 If you're not aware of any NASA region or chapter in your area, please give the name of the largest city where you reside.
14 *Are you active an active SCCA Club Racer? (National or Regional)
15 Comments about anything on this page? (optional)
...and Ron checked "Yes" to item 14, I'll bet. New pages follows.
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
These Questions are Specifically for SCCA Racers.
16 *Are you a Regional or National Competitor?
Both Regional and National
17 *Participating in SCCA events, how would you rate your personal experience competing at an SCCA race?
1 Excellent
2 Good
3 Fair
4 Needs Improvement
5 Very Dissatisfied N/A
Event Organization
Competency of Officials
Amount of Track Time
Level of Competition
Ability of organization to competently classify/equalize cars in your class
It really strikes me that no place to this point has the respondent been asked about MazdaSpeed's service or support. It is really a window into the thinking of whoever developed this, that they would presume to survey SCCA members re: their satisfaction with event organization and other aspects of the SCCA's racing program. This suggests that
they think that something here is within their sphere of influence - that they can effect change on the SCCA, or on the choices that members are making with respect to their participation in SCCA events. NOBODY in their right mind surveys a group of people about something that the surveyor's organization can't influence - or that they don't think they can influence.
Now, we don't know if some other branch might ask the same about NHRA competitors' satisfaction with THEIR events. It's possible and if they did, it would be meaningful. If they don't, it's more meaningful in ways that folks here are likely to care about.
21 * MAZDASPEED is considering building stronger ties with other racing organizations such as NASA and scaling back involvement with SCCA. Please let us know if you support this idea. Following, are five statements, Please read all five statements and then select the one you MOST agree with.
1. Please continue the same level of support to SCCA Club Racing, I am satisfied with the Club and its leadership and plan to continue participating in SCCA events.
2. Please continue the same level of support to SCCA Club Racing. As a Mazdaspeed Motorsports Development member, I will get personally involved with club management to seek a solution to the current situation. If necessary, I will seek club office to protect the relationship between SCCA and with Mazdaspeed Motorsports.
3. I do not approve of the way SCCA Club Racing’s management and officials have acted or their comments. Don’t reward this bad behavior, but also don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Examine alternative places to compete with Mazdaspeed (i.e. NASA or other grass roots organizations) and keep me advised. At this point I do not have any available options for racing with alternative racing organizations and am limited to the SCCA. If Mazdaspeed withdraws its support from SCCA Club Racing I will be negatively impacted as I have no other place to race. I will support Mazdaspeed Motorsports by getting personally involved with club management to seek a solution to the current situation.
4. I do not approve of the way SCCA Club Racing’s management and officials have acted or their comments. There are other racing organizations in my area and I will consider participating with them as an alternative or in addition to SCCA. I can compete with anyone (NASA, SCCA, Mazda Owners Club, etc.), but I would prefer to have as many options as possible.
5. Stop all involvement with SCCA Club Racing as soon as possible (2008 season). I have an alternative racing organization where I can compete that is better. I feel that Mazdaspeed’s involvement in that organization will be more appreciated. In my response I will tell you where the support should be directed.
22 Comments? (optional)
First a hint: If you are taking a selected-response test and truly to NOT know which is the correct answer, pick the longest response. Since there is no "right" or "wrong" answer in this case, the fact that response #3 is quite a bit longer and more detailed than the other options strongly suggests to me that this is what the survey developer wants you to choose. Further, since it represents an action, it is not a stretch to infer that this is the action that he/she
wants you to take.
This is reinforced by the fact that the last line (the action they are asking you to undertake) of both #2 and #3 are essentially the same. Response 3 is response 2 with a big stick, but with qualifiers. It's not "I'm breaking up with you," but instead is "I'm thinking about breaking up with you and just might, if you don't change your ways." The desired outcome is not a break-up, but instead is a change of behaviors.
* * *
At the end of this, I am left with the strong impression that the motivation behind the instrument is to leverage past commitment to MazdaSpeed members, to get them to exert pressure to effect change on the current leadership of SCCA.
There's no direct intimation that Mazda corporate media buys (SportsCar, coverage of SPEED Touring or GT races, etc.) are in jeopardy. Were there to be - and I am pointed not saying this is the case - it would be a whole 'nother level of coercion, that would strongly suggest that indeed, Mazda views its commitment of those monies as buying them some consideration in terms of Club Racing involvement. Had there been items included that asked about how often the respondent watched TV coverage of motor sports events "sponsored" by Zoom Zoom ads, I'd be worried about this but given what is said here, I'm not.
I'm still struggling because I don't understand what this "support" for SCCA is, that keeps getting mentioned, beyond the regular MazdaSpeed member deal. Some clarity here would be helpful - contingency money that's better than NASA folks get? But that's not something the Club gets - that's for Mazda entrants. Event sponsorship? "Support" sounds like it should be something that's good for the whole organization...?
If we are talking simply about the benefit afforded to the Club by some nominal increase in entries or entrants, that might be ascribed to Mazda's support of individual racers, there's some huge presumptions there. How many MazdaSpeed members would not still be racing at their current levels of commitment (in a Mazda or something else for that matter) absent the membership benefits? I honestly don't know.
Nope. Everything considered, I think that Mazda is simply PO'd at the current leadership, over what might be very real inequities, and are using this survey as a veiled threat to activate SCCA members to their cause - to punish the decision makers responsible. It is an interesting question, whether their calling in this favor from the Club members who have benefited individually from MazdaSpeed support is the same as "buying favors" or "having the club in their pocket." Frankly, I think the line is pretty darned thin.