I want to be honst here, I want to be positive.
I know that most racers are happy in IT, I also know that many have looked at production and said "Only IF....."
Well I want to know what that Only IF is. I want to make production a place that people will want to upgrade to, and know it will not cost them a bunch of $$, heartache and headache. There are problems in production everyone can agree on that much at least. Lets start talking about fixing the problems, and what it would take for you to be a production racer.
There is a thread on the prod board that tells you how to find the Advisory Committee members for production, I will copy the info here:
Disclaimer: I'm not a production car driver or crew member. I'm one of those "somewhat worthless officials" (as Matt W refers to us). However, I'm also a second generation race brat, and I throughly enjoy watching the production cars race together.
Please, please while you're busy working on plans/ideas/etc to extend the life of the current production classes contact your Production Advisory Committee members. These gentlemen have volunteered their time to serve on the committee. They can't monitor everything that gets said on this board, but if you feel strongly about what needs to be done - please contact them. They need to be involved in this process and be your advocates to the CRB and the BoD.
I will not post their contact information here - but it is available to each and every SCCA member through the website. (www.scca.org -> Inside SCCA -> Boards & Committees -> Log In to secured area -> Directory -> Boards & Committees -> Production Committee)
David Lemon
Jesse Prather
Jon Brakke, Chair
Eric Krueger
Kevin Dennis
Kevin Allen
Larry Funk
Mike Cummings
Tom Feller
Donning my nomex and going back to lurking,
Kelley Huxtable
Natl Registrar/Natl F&C/Sr T&S
There is also a thread going over on the prod site about "fixing production"
Let me know your ideas, reasons, whatever for your opinions. Lets try to keep it clean and above board.
I know that most racers are happy in IT, I also know that many have looked at production and said "Only IF....."
Well I want to know what that Only IF is. I want to make production a place that people will want to upgrade to, and know it will not cost them a bunch of $$, heartache and headache. There are problems in production everyone can agree on that much at least. Lets start talking about fixing the problems, and what it would take for you to be a production racer.
There is a thread on the prod board that tells you how to find the Advisory Committee members for production, I will copy the info here:
Disclaimer: I'm not a production car driver or crew member. I'm one of those "somewhat worthless officials" (as Matt W refers to us). However, I'm also a second generation race brat, and I throughly enjoy watching the production cars race together.
Please, please while you're busy working on plans/ideas/etc to extend the life of the current production classes contact your Production Advisory Committee members. These gentlemen have volunteered their time to serve on the committee. They can't monitor everything that gets said on this board, but if you feel strongly about what needs to be done - please contact them. They need to be involved in this process and be your advocates to the CRB and the BoD.
I will not post their contact information here - but it is available to each and every SCCA member through the website. (www.scca.org -> Inside SCCA -> Boards & Committees -> Log In to secured area -> Directory -> Boards & Committees -> Production Committee)
David Lemon
Jesse Prather
Jon Brakke, Chair
Eric Krueger
Kevin Dennis
Kevin Allen
Larry Funk
Mike Cummings
Tom Feller
Donning my nomex and going back to lurking,
Kelley Huxtable
Natl Registrar/Natl F&C/Sr T&S
There is also a thread going over on the prod site about "fixing production"
Let me know your ideas, reasons, whatever for your opinions. Lets try to keep it clean and above board.