Fair enough. I on the other hand want more cam, more compression, better brakes, mess with carbs or FI. But I don't want to move susp pickup points, spend 10k on a tranny, have a engine with so much compression it is only good for a couple of runs. I think, and hope there is a place for that, and it would attract people.
It is a mess over there no doubt about it, I would like to see it get cleaned up. If it gets people DOING SOMETHING...ANYTHING it is a step in the right direction. [/b]
You want cams? compression? better brakes?? But youdon't want to spend big money on a trans??
Be careful what you ask for...those couple of seconds on the track will cost you...
They'll cost you weeks developing that cam, and an exhaust that gets the most of that cam, and an induction system and tune that gets the most from that setup, and then, what about head development!? Eveytime you chage ONE thing, you dive in a pool of research...sure, you can just bump your compression and get more power. But so can Bob...except Bob knows a few more tricks, because he tried more combos on the dyno.
Jim Daniels did 200 dydno pulls one season on a SM motor.....learing about it, tweaking things, and he didn't have the bunch of variables you suggest.
I'm not saying that your idea of a "New Production class nirvana" is wrong, but keep in mind that the bottom line to most racers is.....racing. And thats what happened to Prod. The racing got replaced with building cranks, dynoing a zillion cams, making dashboards, replacing windows, moving batteries, making 4 speed transmissions with revers into 5 speed transmissions with no reverse, making molds for hoods, and argueing over it all. And making "friends" where it was deemed to be profitable to do so.
If you ask me what it would take to make me race Prod, I'd have to be honest...nothing. I race in IT because of the ruleset, and the stability, and the trust in the guys who guide the category. I think the exact opposite of Prod..
If you made a set of rules up that were a copy of the ITCS, and you named them Prod, well, I'd think about that...