Super Moderator
David, I've actually considered that very thing on more than one occasion. I've also spoken with a buddy (w/multiple runoffs appearances) who happens to instruct at our local FATT events about doing some ride-alongs to give me some pointers. The only problem with the first idea is that most of the really talented drivers whose opinions I trust are about 4" - 6" shorter and 40 - 80lbs lighter than I am (hmmm, do I see a pattern here?), and would require that I re-mount the seat & harnesses to get them in the car.Earl, get a respected top dog from your area to take your car for a ride. He/she may feel things differently than you do & point them out for you to feel/learn THEN make a change that you know you will feel. Some people need to make their changes bigger than the itty bitty change so that you do FEEL the change. It the change is over done, back er down some. BUT with the itty bitty change sometimes a person never feels the change therefore don't have a clue positive or negative about the change.
Even tho I like a friendly argue with Greg & Andy either of them could get the job done.[/b]
And then there's the whole thing about how I would react when they get in the car and immediately run 2 seconds faster than I ever have