Okay - Thought I would chime in on ITA. Let's assume Greg is stayin' away and going "boutique" racing, (I would love to go that route of touring other tracks, but there is so much yet to learn at home), - but I too don't think he can't subdue his competitive juices and stay away.
In "A" you gotta love Andy B - spends lots of time on development and testing - the right recipe. I will also echo top contenders being Richie H, Jeff L, Rick B, Joe D. I have great video of Brandon B who took a second at NHIS during the "weekend I'd love to forget." His car looked very good (although my front end was rearranged I could not make a pass stick in all my favorite spots) - I wouldn't rule him out.
I share garage space with Shane Hawthorne - remember Shane??? Shane got married last year and put his racing program on hold - if he gets his engine put back together he could be a factor in '07 - Shane is the honeymoon over man???
For myself the future is grim. First, I have a senior in high school and it would appear he is going to start his undergraguate degree somewhere - until he picks a school I suspect I will be doing my share of weekends to the "Ivories" and other private institutions - Last I checked the going rate was $40K/yr - I suspect that will make my pants fit a bit looser. Second, although CPM Motorsports (Carol and Jerry Miller - God Bless You
- no they didn't sneeze), continue to show support for "our" program, we have yet to sit down and do a budget for '07 - so I can't assume anything going forward. Combine that with the building of the new "C" Beetle and "A" Eclipse (were there other cars too? - it's hard to keep track of my BS) the TEG development seems low on the todem pole
I predict this (Greg A if he's in), Andy B, Rick B, Richie H, Shane H, Jeff L, Brandon B, and Joe D at the top of the pile. Thank you all for the flatering comments - hope to see you for "a race or two" in '07. My $.02 for what it's worth.
My only other prediction is this - I promise to keep my car "pretty" after she gets out of "rehab" - I heard there are great 12 step programs to insure success against the fatal drug "red mist" - any of the old "S" boys want to come to a meeting with me??
One final comment - the Northeast still offers the "best of the best" - Thank you ALL for great competition and great racing.