Translation: "I have perceptions of what a race car is supposed to be and I want IT to align with them."My reasoning:
1. It's a standard "race car" part that we're not running.
2. It's cheap.
3. It makes you go faster round the track. (proven)
4. It can make the car handle better.
5. It makes the cars look better/worse/more like real race cars.
6. It can help attract a younger/tuner type to the class. ...
Nothing personal but there's a lot of danger in this kind of approach. Everyone's got their own "thing" on this issue - aluminum door panels, lots of gauges, missing dashboards... Heck - turbos. If that rationale makes sense for wings it makes sense for other things.
They ARE cheap, though - the carbon VWRacing rear wing for the MkIV Golf is only $1149 from Bildon.