Wright Device H&N Restraint Testing Contributions

The (5) additional Isaac Raffle Drawing tickets from Mr./Mrs. Anonymous have been used up. But, don't let this stop you from getting at least one entry for these fine prizes!!

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com

[This message has been edited by planet6racing (edited March 04, 2005).]
Originally posted by Jay Wright:
Have not seen any data but R3 shows chart of their's and HANS frontal test at 3000N (http://www.lfttech.com/charts.html). No report of offste test results for either.

Yes, I saw that. But something about it doesn't make sense. It references the NASCAR...Oops, no it doesn't. I just checked and the entire page has changed. Hmm.

Anyway, I'm not surprised the numbers are similar, but I am surprised they are so high. That's only 200N below the threshold called for in the spec and the HLR is too low.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Gregg and Jay,

Look at lfttech brochure (rightmost button)and tell us what you think. Perhaps on a different thread? This one is getting hijacked away from its estimable purpose.

Dave Z
I will be making a trip to Florida leaving today and returning Tuesday, March 15th. As a result, I probably won't be able to check my e-mail/this forum as often.

If you should send me an entry into the raffle during this time period, please do not fret. I will get everything taken care of when I get back.

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Slacker. Probably going to have lunch in some tropical cafe, wearing a wiki wiki shirt while sipping a drink that has an umbrella in it, aren't ya?

Yes. And the best part is, I won't be buying!!

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Arduous journey? Well, I did get back at 1:30 am this morning to a nice, blustery 25º and snow...

If you are a member of another board and feel so inclined, please feel free to cross post this message. The goal here is to get more than one option SFI approved so there isn't a monopoly and Racers have a choice!

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
I know that our current total looks impressive, but this is a multiple hit test and we are only about 1/4 of the way through what it will truly take to get the Wright Device certified.

Please! Encourage your friends!! Where else can they get a chance at a H&N system for $50??

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Great job David! Must race a 510??

Not only did you do a great thing...you've just about guaranteed yourself a Wright Pro in the process!

2200+ Members...if 1/4 of us donate $10 each we are there!
No, I don't drive a 510, I race a DSR. 510 was simply the closest number to 500 evenly divisible by 30.

The reason I made the donation is really quite simple. I was a fairly early adopter of the Wright Device. Based on the earlier tests that Jay had run, I think it is effective and its cost is easily within reach of any club racer. My concern is that sooner or later SCCA will do more than recommend a head and neck restraint meeting the SFI requirements. I believe that eventually, it will become mandatory. When that time comes, I want club racers to have a wide range of choices.

Even though my donation is more than the price of a Wright Device, it is much less than any current alternative. $500 is about half of what I have saved over most of the alternatives, so I'm still ahead and (if more of you will help out) I'll still be able to use it when SFI certification becomes mandatory.

Tomorrrow is the drawing and I want to thank all who participated in this effort, especially bill for hosting the drawing and keeping uo with the moneys.

Jay Wright P.E.
Over 40 Racing Motorsports Accessories, Inc.
Hey Bill... The extra $1.50 is simply to cover your paypal fees...

Mark Andrews
'92 ITS BMW 325is
Is that a Drum Roll I hear or is that just tbe pounding in my head that always follows a late night spent working on my race car?

Who WON? More importantly, did we raise enough cash for the SFI tests???

Scott Peterson
KC Region
IT7 #17