I wasn't going to reply to this topic again, but I really detest arrogance.
Dude, it's outlined in the by-laws as a REQUIREMENT to have this meeting, thus its existence is ALREADY being paid for by the membership via annual dues.[/b]
not one penny of your dues is specifically set aside to pay for this meeting. If the meeting costs $55,000 to host and we have 55,000 members, then dropping the registration fee
raises your dues cetaris paribus.
the Board meeting and its facilities are already being paid for by the membership as called for in the charter. It's a cost of doing business as a club under the existing by-laws. My annual dues to the Sports Car Club of America gives me the RIGHT to attend the annual Board of Directors meeting if I so choose, regardless of where or when it's being held.[/b]
1. According to the By-laws posted on the website , you have no right to attend such a meeting nor do you have no right to attend such a meeting at no cost to you. You are, however, required to be notified of such a meeting, but the by-laws to not require that members be allowed to attend the meeting. In fact, your presence at ANY club meetings is by the specific grace of the BoD. (See:Article III and in particular Section 4 of the 1July2000 SCCA By-laws)
2. Please cite the section of the by-laws or articles of incorporation that specify the funding mechanism for this meeting shall be from dues.
3. Given that the by-laws also require SCCA to "...promote interest in sports cars and other fine automobiles and to encourage their safe and skillful operation, by developing, arranging, and regulating closed circuit road racing, rallying, and other forms of automotive competition, by dissemination of information through news releases and Club publications, and through related social and recreation activities for the instruction and enjoyment of its members." Please provide a logically consistent explaination reconciling why it is proper for the Club to charge entry fees for by-law mandated recreation activities (aka a RACE) and the impropriety of charging an entry fee a by-law annual meeting.
Using your logic, there should be no entry fee for any activity required under the by-laws and racing, or should I say organizing a recreational event, is required.
And that, Sir, is a fact, not an arrogant opinion.
No, it is an opinion based on a lack of knowledge of the fungibility of money and the by-laws.