and it’s all bullshit………


New member
I’m concerned how some the SCCA, regions are now making money, and I think you should be too…. I call it a “you snooze you lose penalty”. For some reason just like fine print from credit card companies, hotels now putting a non-cancellation fee on their online websites and other businesses that deal with sleazy penalty clauses. If you cancel after a certain date you get smacked with a $50.00 penalty! Why is that? Don’t tell me that a stamp and an envelope cost $50.00! Isn’t it enough that you can make the race probably because your car isn’t working right, a part broke, someone working on your car couldn’t get it finished in time or a 100 other valid and real life reasons? But NO, the SCCA regions like the Cincinnati Region & others have to kick you when you’re down. You bust your ass to get everything ready and safe but sometimes, things just don’t work correctly. It’s not like racecars can be taken out on the street and tested. Sometimes they can but you really need to test the cars under full loads to see if anything fails or works correctly, which can’t be accomplished on the street. When you think about it, you have to ask, what did they do for your $50.00 or what ever they charge for that fee? If you didn’t sign up for the event they would not have gotten a dime. Is this an ethical way to gain extra money but beating someone out of money who already feels badly about missing a race, or has to possibly spend a lot of extra money to fix something that has broke? Well my racing friends…….it’s all bullshit and we are the club and he shouldn’t and can’t let this keep happening. If this happens with an event it time to boycott that event & region in the future! By using this scheme to gain extra money the IT SPEC-tacular has diminished its self to just a substandard club race and they lost a customer. To add insult to injury I bet the money doesn’t even go to the workers. This is about principal. It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for ya.
Amen, brother. I've made that similar rant, and since then pretty much decided that any region that requires pre-payment for an event will be forced to handle a write-in entry, will get a personal check at the gate, and the registrar will have to deal with all its associated hassles and efforts, and I'll pay the "late fee" instead. - GA
Come on's our Club and many regions are hurting on account of lower car counts because of the economy over the last year and a half.

The regions don't get a discount or rebate from the track rentals due to smaller than anticipated turn-outs. You shouldn't grumble about such penalties.
Come on's our Club and many regions are hurting on account of lower car counts because of the economy over the last year and a half.
If that's the case then be honest about it and raise the entry fee.
Come on's our Club and many regions are hurting on account of lower car counts because of the economy over the last year and a half.

The regions don't get a discount or rebate from the track rentals due to smaller than anticipated turn-outs. You shouldn't grumble about such penalties.

Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit!!!!! I don't need penalized becuase I have a GD problem with my car. So what yor saying is that these regions count on these penalties just to survive!!!!!!!!!????????

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I have only been to a sum total of 2 SCCA races ever, but I didn't even realize this. I checked the old entry for the race I entered this year, and sure enough they would charge you a late fee if you didn't pay early, and a cancellation fee if you had to cancel late. That indeed kinda sucks. I guess I did my best not to sign up (pay) until the last possible minute so I knew my car was fine (assuming it left the last race intact, it should make the next).

This seems like a good thread to offer an alternative. If you are in the Midwest (I know that is a big caveat as guys are on this forum from all over the place), then come race at some Midwestern Council events. They encourage everyone to sign up online early for no fee. Then, simply bring your checkbook (or cash) to the track when you arrive and pay the normal entry fee. No late fee bull shit as long as you signed up early. You can always remove yourself from the online sign up at any time. Hell, if you don't remove yourself and just don't show up, they don't care.
I can top that Dan - in the DC Region this year, if you don't cancel by noon of the first business day after the event you forfeit ALL of your entry fee. This is the same region that requires you to pay in advance, and bills your credit/debit card immediately or cashes your check upon receipt. And they wonder why so many drivers wait so long to register. Now, I understand the rationale behind wanting to get drivers to register early, but I think some of our regional execs are trying to run the events more like a for-profit business than as a club event.

There are many things I like about our region, but there sure are some I really don't.
You want a place to race? Then go sit on a race board meeting and try to decide whether or not the region can afford the $34000+ total for two days racing. The quit your bitching and be glad you have a place to race. Chuck
I can top that Dan - in the DC Region this year, if you don't cancel by noon of the first business day after the event you forfeit ALL of your entry fee. This is the same region that requires you to pay in advance, and bills your credit/debit card immediately or cashes your check upon receipt. And they wonder why so many drivers wait so long to register. Now, I understand the rationale behind wanting to get drivers to register early, but I think some of our regional execs are trying to run the events more like a for-profit business than as a club event.

There are many things I like about our region, but there sure are some I really don't.

Your a member of that region and club, they are suppose to work for you. VOTE SOME PEOPLE OUT AND GET IT CHANGED! Penelties are something you get when you do something wrong. Cancelling an event due to a good reason is not doing something wrong. As a matter of fact if your car is down or not safe for some reason your getting penalized for doing something RIGHT!
You guys are too funny. Here I am psyched that I don't need to sign-up for the years events waaaay in advance (late winter or early Spring), pay for the events, and not be able to cancel. That's basically how many HPDE organizations work. Listen, if you intend on going to an event register for it. If you can't make it, send in your cancelation on time. It's really not that difficult guys. Or if you truly want to change things, take over many of the registration duties. Heck, for many events and regions is you have a legitimate reason and approach it right, maybe they won't even charge you the justified fee that's listed. I totally forgot to send in a refund notice, sent them an e-mail with an apology and "I screwed up" - no late fee was charged.

Steve, you're not charged if you cancel. You're charged if you can't take the couple of minutes and notify the region you weren't able to attend the event. Is it really that hard?

This thread does have an appropriate title, but not for the same reason.
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That's basically how many HPDE organizations work.
Funny you should mention that; it was because of entry/payment/cancellation policies like that, plus the inflexibility of being able to get into and out of events, that was a driving force for me rethinking that whole "HPDE thing" in the late 90's and deciding to go back to Club Racing again...
Down here in florida if you sign up early and mail your check they 1) don't cash your check until the event has been run. 2) if you don't show or do show and your car does not make it on the track they shred your check or return it. if you pay with a credit card your card gets credited.

The event was going to be held regardless of whether i signed up or not no reason to keep my money if i can't make the race.
I say BULL SHIT as well :happy204:

It's simply NOT right to charge the fee when we are all racing on a budget and the event will go on regardless if I show or not. Luckely I am part of NER... they truelly take the extra steps for the racer and I don't ever anticipate fees like this!

If I were you I would get a petition together at the next event, get on the next board meeting agenda and then show them that the club THEY ARE REPRESENTING do not want it. I also agree with what someone else said... get vocal and change the administration that is running your region.

Anyone that agrees with this cancelation fee should think about this scenario... YOU get a broken wheel bearing on your trailer on your way to YOUR next event, have to find a shady hotel to stay the night in the middle of no-where then get it fixed all to miss the event drive home and get YOUR $50 cancelation fee for not showing and calling the day of the event to cancel. I hope karma doesn't get me this weekend :blink:

I agree these rediculous fees add an anchor to the heal of the honest ones who are already drowning!

I think it is BS - that people can not plan ahead and have their car prep done before the deadline along with having other afairs in order that would keep them from racing. I realize that there are always exceptions, but the club realizes that sometimes people are flakey "looks like rain this weekend...guess I will stay at home."

Late fees and cancellation fees are part of the game just like renewing your license. You make sure things happen to have the outcome favorable.
Anyone that agrees with this cancelation fee should think about this scenario... YOU get a broken wheel bearing on your trailer on your way to YOUR next event, have to find a shady hotel to stay the night in the middle of no-where then get it fixed all to miss the event drive home and get YOUR $50 cancelation fee for not showing and calling the day of the event to cancel.

Stephen – even in the scenario that Dan’s talking about, all you’d need to do is contact the region and request a refund. Nothing was said how long you have to do that. To be sure you don’t forget, do it when you get home that evening or the next day.

If you cancel after a certain date…Dan

I can’t believe that some of you actually find this so unreasonable. Should regions hold money aside and wait for you to submit a refund request months after the event? Come on.

the SCCA regions like the Cincinnati Region & others have to kick you when you’re down.

I’ve only raced with the Cincy region a couple of times but will say for the events I’ve been to they are one of the most accommodating, helpful, and thought out race weekends I’ve attended.

People who are organizing these events do so on a volunteer basis. Are you truly so selfish to not comply with a few reasonable expectations to make their jobs easier? It’s not an us versus them thing and we should be working together to ensure our Club runs smoothly.
I think it is BS - that people can not plan ahead and have their car prep done before the deadline along with having other afairs in order that would keep them from racing. I realize that there are always exceptions, but the club realizes that sometimes people are flakey "looks like rain this weekend...guess I will stay at home."

Late fees and cancellation fees are part of the game just like renewing your license. You make sure things happen to have the outcome favorable.

You don't get plealized not renewing my license late, do you? Remember what you wrote here when you have an emergency and can't make a race that you entered and get slammed with a penelty on top of the emergency! Late fees and cancellation fess are not part of good business!!!!!!! As I said bullshit!!!!!
Yeah, well The NY Region isn't as nice as our NER. Just registered online for the OCT 2/3 NARRC runoffs and they have the $50 penalty fee listed...LOL of hands. How many of you will not race in a region that applies the $50 fee? None...I thought so...LOL