As a registrar, I've watched this thread with interest ... I guess in MiDiv we're pretty lucky. Most everyone has a pretty fair refund policy.
If you've never been a registrar, you cannot fully understand the amount of work that goes into Registration for a weekend. Despite repeated efforts to streamline the paperwork flow, there is still a tremendous amount of paper which moves on any race given weekend. I'd be glad to show you - even if you just have about an hour on Friday night to help out. Keep in mind, not all of us are blessed with race courses which have dependable internet service at a reasonable (i.e. free) price.
On-line registration has been wonderful. Everyone has complaints about almost any on-line registration system - none of them are perfect. As a group they do a great job of making the driver responsible for entering most of his/her information, and at least putting a little bit of effort forward to enter the race. I especially like the on-line entry list, as that has dramatically reduced the calls about "Is so-and-so entered for the weekend?".
Yes, we still have some drivers who do not choose to use computers and/or the internet, so they still register the old fashioned way - by phone. They are genuinely appreciative when I tell them that it sufficient, and they do not need to do anything else except come to the track prepared to pay their entry fee.
My race group, MVRG (consisting of the Des Moines Valley Region and the Nebraska Region), cannot take credit cards at the track. If you enter on-line, you can pay by credit card, but it is not required. If you wish to wait to pay at the track, that's fine - but it must be by check or in cash. Yes, I've sent a few folks off to find an ATM because they didn't come prepared to pay by check or in cash. And, yes, the confirmation email I send to each driver clearly states that any money paid at the track must be by check or in cash.
I can only speak for the registration policies of the Missouri Valley Race Group (MVRG - made up of Des Moines Valley Region and Nebraska Region), but I think they're very generous. If you let the registrar know either by entering on-line, mailing an entry, calling/leaving a message on my phone, or at the very least, sending an email that you will attend the event prior to the opening of at-track registration on Friday at 5:00 PM - no late fee. (Yes, I've had a few messages sent from blackberrys at the track, before 5PM, saving the $40 late fee.) If you simply walk in the door without letting me know you are coming, I'm sorry - but per the MVRG board's wishes I have to charge you a late fee. I keep telling them to drop the late fee, but so far - no luck.
If you break on the test day, and come tell me that you're cancelling - full refund. If you paid by check, I'll return your check.
If you break during the morning session on Saturday for a Regional / National weekend, and you're only entered for the National - I'll change you to a regional only entry - refunding you the difference between the two entry fees ($60 or so). Or, better yet, if you paid by check, bring me a new check, and I'll trade checks with you. That's less paperwork for me, you, and the treasurer.
If you are a paid driver who no-shows, you will get a full refund. However, we do like to know that you won't be there, even if it's after registration opens. (Mostly, 'cause we like to know that you're not in a ditch somewhere between home and the race track.)
All requests for refunds must be made by the close of registration on Sunday.
I guess the biggest point to my rant is that I'd much rather have you enter early. I can get all of the T&S paperwork done prior to the event. The stewards have an idea whether or not groups need to be changed, etc. There's lots of good reasons to enter early. Someone mentioned about the counts for the caterer for Saturday night dinner, and don't forget ... there's planning that goes into calculating how much beer and/or other beverages to buy!
We had to cancel a race last year due to a low turnout - and having been the one who personally called every single one of the drivers who had entered - it's a very difficult decision to pull the plug on an event. I struggled with whether or not to drive the almost 300 miles to be at the gate, just in case someone didn't get the word that the event was cancelled. Lucky for me, I had some local folks who said they would take care of it. My biggest concern was someone who towed from a long distance, only to discover when they pulled in at the track that the event was cancelled.
If you have constructive suggestions on ways Registration can run more smoothly and with less effort for all involved, I'm very interested. Please don't hesitate to shoot me a PM, or send an email to KelleyHux at yahoo dot com.
Thanks for reading this far,
Kelley Huxtable