gran racing
Super Moderator
Deleted post as it has nothing to do with the NHIS school regional. Besides, I can call Andy names offline.
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So you are asking why Ritchie made some less than ideal decisions. I love the guy but have you ever met him.
Why is it so important to have equal restraints? Why do guys gat all up tight about it?
Jake/Dave and others...
I think that the rule is a good rule. Generally from what I have seen many (not all) people with racing seats and/or 5pt belts have roll bars of some sort. In an accident with racing belts you move a lot, with street belts you move WAY further. I think that the racing belts will greatly increase your safety of hitting the rollbar with your head.
I also think that the the rule enforces the general thought of taking care of your passengers safety is more important than your own safety.