Changed noted.
...can I keep my truck hooked up to my trailer or parked in the towing position during the stay?[/b]
We will be given the ends of two whole rows from which to work (look at this map - We're talking about the area marked "ACCESS ONLY" with arrows) This map differs somewhat from what they've done in the past; prior years had a road in between those two areas, so either the map is incorrect or they changed it. Regardless, that does not materially change the plan.
Each enclosed trailer will be parked perpendicular in those rows, starting with one on the end of the row closest to Goodyear, with its closed side (away from the trailer side door) facing inwards. I will arrange everyone in an as-user-friendly "community" way as possible, typically by placing each enclosed trailer door-to-door with another; each team will have a roughly 25-foot-or so distance between the open doors of the enclosed trailers. That may seem close, but we've got to keep it tight, and since those rows are (were?) about 50-feet wide that still gives you a lot of room. This way each of the trailers facing each other can have a 10-ft-or-so wide canopy outside your trailer door.
In addition, we will need to camp at least one open trailer person with you in between each of those facing enclosed trailers. So, in the end, you'll all have three cars paddocked in a 25 foot wide-by-at-least-50-foot long space (1250 square feet or so.) If there's truly no road between those two rows this year we may create a separate "open trailer racer compound" in one big area in the middle instead of infiltrating them with the enclosed trailers; I'll figure that once I get there and discuss it with the ARRC Parkers.
So, if you have a preference as to whom you'd like to paddock with, both another enclosed trailer and someone with an open trailer, do let me know your preferences, otherwise I'll park on a first-come-first-served basis.