tnord said:
i didn't mean it as a threat at all. i mean it as an example of one guy who is frustrated enough with the whole thing to be giving consideration to doing something else altogether, and that i'm probably not the only one. racing is way too big of a commitment in time and money to not be having an absolute fucking blast doing it. for me at least, the seemingly constant changing landscape and escalating 'seriousness' of it all take away from that. if it were to go national, i only see more of that forthcoming.
I'm really having a hard time understanding the logic you're applying here. One of the reasons that you see 'escalating seriousness' in IT, is because there's only one sandbox for them to play in, Regional races. While having IT go National
may up the game a bit
at the National level, I (and others have as well) submit that IT racing at the Regional level would be a whole lot more fun for the guys that didn't want to (or could afford to) spend cubic dollars. It's been stated over and over again, look at a Regional Prod program vs. a National Prod program. Believe me when I tell you that they're night and day.
I can see a scenario where IT going National will probably siphon off some of the Regional folks. And I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. And I don't agree w/ your contention that if RacerX wanted to go National racing, he already would have gone, or he's going to eventually be lost from IT anyway. Sure, you'll have some guys that go that route, but several people have talked about IT as a destination, not as a stepping stone. I think it's completely valid to think that you've got plenty of IT guys that will stay in IT. They've got the budgets and the skills to be competitive at the National level, but an IT car is what they want to run. I can see top-tier IT folks going National, in search of better competition. I can see plenty of folks staying at the Regional level, and possibly even more coming in. Ask yourself, why does anybody race a National-eligible car at the Regional level? Less pressure, lower budgets, less travel, etc., etc.
I personally think IT going National is a win/win all the way around. You've got a great category with some fast folks that put on a good show. You now have a lower-stress environment (Regionals) where someone can run one of those cars, develop it, develop themselves, and maybe eventually go National racing.
People talk about a feeder class, what is really there, is a feeder 'environment'. That 'environment' is Regional racing. I don't see how anyone can say that IT is a feeder category when you've got some serious programs that run in IT. If I were starting out, I'd much rather have a lower stress 'environment' to run a car in, regardless of what car or category I picked. People talk about IT as a feeder class, mainly due to the historical view that people had of IT, and the fact that it really never got any respect as a category. Being branded Regional-only by the PtB created this artificial sense that IT wasn't a serious category, but a place to starte, and when you decided you wanted to drive a 'real' race car, you'd go Prod, GT, etc., etc.