You're making even less sense than usual.
and there's the problem. you can't figure out that we basically agree.
You're making even less sense than usual.
and there's the problem. you can't figure out that we basically agree.
You and I agree? Ok, who are you, and how did you hack Travis' account? Seriously, just so I'm clear on this, I think that IT being a RO-eligible category would be a good thing for the club in general, and IT specifically. And you agree w/ this? If that's the case, why have you been running your mouth and insulting me?
[in my best 5yo voice]
you started it
[/5yo voice]
i don't agree that going national is a good idea, we're just looking at the same set of circumstances from completely different perspectives and end up at different conclusions.
PS - i still think you're a douche.
Where I'm going with this is, if you want to run at the front, for a championship where there is a high competition density, you better be prepared to spend some money. Or as others have put it, bring your 'A' game.
doesn't have the integrity to admit he was wrong when he has been clearly called on something..
Well Travis,
The only thing (and I've already stated this) that concerns me about having IT become RO-eligible, is the increased possibility that the PtB may want to dork w/ the rules based on results. And honestly, the only reason that they (Pt don't give IT a second thought now, is because they don't see it as 'real' racing. Get the right (or wrong, as the case may be) person in a position of power and infulence that wants things changed, and watch how hard it is to stop.
Of course that is the unknown. The ITAC over the past few years have done an excellent job of keeping IT healthy and competitive. That is not a guarantee that whatever new process, excuse me 'codification' of the old process that appears to produce different results, we may have now is in fact what will keep IT healthy and competitive.And if they are giving our ITAC group resistance to the changes that will keep IT healthy and competitive, it doesn't bode well.
Many people have talked about IT as a destination. I think that's a good thing. To tell them (IT racers) that if they want to really measure themselves against the cream of the crop, that they need to go elsewhere, is in my mind, truly selfish and me-centric.
Why should those that are serious about their programs have to pick a different category if they'd really like to measure themselves against the best in their class?
To tell them (IT racers) that if they want to really measure themselves against the cream of the crop, that they need to go elsewhere, is in my mind, truly selfish and me-centric.
When we won the regional championship in ITA in 2003, we went to the ARRC, and qualified something like 5/6th? and had an on track accident that ended our day early. Even without the accident we weren't going to win. We know that, our car wasn't prepped enough, and never being on the track had it's role as well. no ego bruised, no biggie, try again next year (or when new car gets done .
The point that you made that that we need another championship to measure if your the cream of the crop. I believe is somewhat redudent. I think that your argument holds a bit of weight for the fact that the ARRC is tailored for the east coast, and for people on the west coast, it is not as fessible of an event to attend due to the increased travel.
Nationals have June Sprints and the Run Offs
ItT has ITfest, and the ARRC.
Can SCCA declare the ARRC as a national champtionship without being a national class? If they could that would be awesome, however, I don't think they would want to steal any thunder away from the RO's.
I also think that the Run Offs would benefit from being held at different tracks. That way there isn't a home track advantage. Even though currently it is kinda centrally located. begs the question: Does the IT category owe it to the club to become a Nationally eligible category for the better of the club? Or should it defend it's own health first and foremost?