As a PS to this thread, I have tendered my resignation from the ITAC, effective yesterday - essentially as a direct result of starting this thread.
A member of the CRB passed on to the ITAC chair that they were "frustrated with the public communication on about some of the issues we are working on," and that we should "cease any such comments, polls, whatever." That request was forwarded to me but I couldn't in good conscience comply, so I've left the committee.
This should NOT be construed as a criticism of Andy or the rest of the ITAC. They do a great job for the category, I was proud to have the chance to work with them, and I feel badly for being a quitter.
My "compelling need" to explain the source of the backlog of "please review" requests was set free here knowing that there was every chance that my action wouldn't be well received by the CRB. However, I tried *very* hard to make everything I said either factual or the expression of a concern of what might happen grounded in fact. I think I did a pretty good job maintaining that.
HOWEVER, Andy has pointed out that I conflated some cars that were spec'd outside the ITAC process (e.g., that Civic DX) with those set during the Great Realignment. He is absolutely correct that I misrepresented that situation. While that is an example of a car that got subjective weight added to it during its specification process, it was NOT done during the GR. I apologize for being inaccurate about that.
My tone went very negative in some of my posts re: the CRB's actions and the nature of what I was hearing from them but frankly, I was completely PO'd about the direction I saw the category being turned. I'm not going to apologize for being indelicate when explaining that I think we're on the edge of making a HUGE mistake for the category, going back to subjective additions of weight based solely on anecdotal observation of on-track activity.
Now, if history plays out that I'm wrong, that will be a good thing. I'm really bummed that it's come to this but there was only one option available to me that didn't require being disrespectful to Andy and the committee, ignoring the CRB's directive, or compromising what I believe the members deserve.
We now return you to your regular programming...