A regions main concern is more about putting on a well attended and financially (they go together) succeful event, more than they care what series is running.
The races came first then the series or gimmick theme where added to enhance the races. most entrants only run a few races a year in order to maintain their license or just run some races for fun.
I say this because when we sit down and start planning events very little discussion is used in regards to what series is running at what track and when unless it's an add on like vintage who might add run groups to a day.
NARRC, NERRC, NYSRRC who cares? a region runs events it doesn't enforce series rules, series administrators do and none of these series have them.
I'll go back to my original post KILL NARRC! and start over. start a series that asks a region if you can piggyback on their event charge $6 per entrant and take the results as they stand, come up with some sort of championship structure for events run, total points and you have the new... series.
This is the format Formula Ford uses for the New England Challenge.
FYI, NER's meeting tommorrow unfortunatley is opposite NNJR at Pocono, but please remember this is also the third weekend in 4 that the NER crew will be working. many will also work next week at LRP for MoHud then back to NHIS for memorial day. we fit these important meetings in where we can not when it works for everyone.
I harp on the get involved wagen the most because if you don't understand how an event is run you can't fully undesrtand the dynamic of the piggyback series that opperate at an event.
Just like my daddy always said you can't be a little pregnant, in for a penny in for a pound. if you want to help do it, come to a meeting, volunteer at tech, flag, work in timing or registration on a friday night but do something that will help you start to understand regional opperations. I can guarantee an eye opening education.
thanx for the nice words Raymond, you always were my favorite twin