Dave, I said put it in the supps because you are required to read them per the rules. If you don't, tough rocks. They don't have to be part of the 'rules' per se, just information in a spot everyone is required to look. Maybe it's against protocal to do so but it leaves no excuses IMHO.
Andy, the rules are the rules, not a "Per Se" version.
A couple of years ago we really tried hard to get information out, the Web, PitTalk, handouts everytjing we could think of, we did get some input but I would say less than 1% return on the #'s we contacted.
If you can find an inexpensive way to get your message out I am sure some people will show. But I highly doubt the turnout will be many.
Happy competitors don't care, now I'm not saying everybody who runs an event is happy about everything that happens on a given weekend, but most are as evident by the lack of written or phone complaints that are recieved.
I really feel that this group needs to take a step back and help figure a way out for MoHud, NNJR and NYR to stay racing regions.
All it will take for a region to go under is lose 30 or 40k at LRP (oop's this already happened). and if it happens twice how can they stay in business.
The NARRC committee is a group of represntatives who meet in order to direct a "RACE SERIES", they do not run events, they don't rent tracks, set entry fee's, pay for food, insurance or any of they other hundred things we pay for.
Your regions need you to come up with ways to draw competitors to the tracks and keep fee's down.
I dare you to ask around and find out how many people really care about the NARRC series, or any series for that matter, most just want to race and have a chance to finish 1st just once.
come up with some novelty events, Enduro's, PDX's Team challenges, ? sponsored/Pro race, some sort of class or group festival.
I would caution you on the back lash of a restricted regional, if you want to hear mad competitors just tell an F Vee or SRF or GT1 driver sorry you can't run this weekend. aren't we the club that let's everyone race?
Here's an idea to help a region hedge it's bet on a race weekend, everyone must Pre Pay for the event and if you cancel within say 7-8 days of the weekend you only gey 1/2 your entry back. if you late enter a real late fee maybe $100.00 would be the fine, this would help with the entrants who no show because of bad weather (which has been as many as 40% at some events).
And one last off the top of my head thought. MoHud lost X$ at their event what if they can't pay the NARRC fee? the rent to LRP is first and on down the line. What will you do?