Wait what? How would that add an additional mounting point?Unfortunately, it is contrary to the IT regulations (i.e., "mounting points").
back of the seat
Wait what? How would that add an additional mounting point?Unfortunately, it is contrary to the IT regulations (i.e., "mounting points").
It doesn't attach. It is up against the trans tunnel and "rests" on the stock seat "hump", without being physically attached to it via a weld or bolt.
Basically, its a big steel rectangle that sits on top of the stock seat humps and then is tied into the roll cage in the back and the left site via 4 points. (legal)
I agree that welding it into the trans tunnel as well would be great, but that would be an IT/SCCA illegal 9th point.
It doesn't attach. It is up against the trans tunnel and "rests" on the stock seat "hump", without being physically attached to it via a weld or bolt.
Doesn't this pretty much eliminate all crush zones with regards to the car and driver? I'm not sure I like the idea of the driver moving with no crush...of course, it's the same idea as a tube-frame car, so....In a a side impact, if the door bars move the idea is the seat moves with them, keeping the cage from colapsing onto the driver.
One benefit is that spending mega bucks on dampers is pointless, as the chassis is an undamped spring of sorts....
Very true about the chassis is an undamped spring. That is why so much time and money is spent by top teams making the chassis stiff. Having a stiff chassis will allow you to spend a bazillion dollars on better dampers, that raises the bar for everyone.
Back to the original point, I've gotten word of another failure of a pure-X design. Same situation, where there was a single-diagonal-with-braces design, and it failed in the same manner: the single tube failed in tension. Welds were all good.
Example. Glass if from side mirror.
Example. Glass if from side mirror.
So is that failure from the heat generated in the weld, or bad design, or bad design because you will always have heat form the weld? Would it have been any different if the center of the X was off plane out towards the door?
Example. Glass if from side mirror.