OK, update time.
I think that the concept of this was great, and if the details could have been nailed, it would have been successful.....but.......
There are a few issues that have conspired to cause me to suggest that perhaps this is something for next spring-
1- Lime Rock needs to be on board with it, and I never heard back from them pro or con. I think a face to face discussion might be in order. I'll see if that can't happen, but for now, the response has to be thought of as a "no"
2- The supplier has no way to get the unit to the track, and it is very heavy, and needs to be kept out of the weather. That means renting a truck and all the attendent hassles. (think time and money) Perhaps when we have more time to line up the details, and perhaps enlist interested volunteers, this issue can be resolved.
3- least important, but as I was the guy doing some of the legwork, and I have a wedding that I'm attending that day, I was going to be in a bit of conflict timewise.
So, I'll take the info I've gotten here, contact the vendor and come up with a loose financial plan so we can look at doing this next spring.
I'll restart this thread, or another and get peoples interest and commitments then. once we know the season schedule, we can decide the event.
Sorry! it would have been fun!