My letter will support the open ECU through the unmodified stock harness with stock sensors. No additional inputs allowed.
PS. Still looking for this mythical $10,000 Motec. I will sell you one for a lot less.
State of BS is more like it--Everything for everyone with our money--again. [/b]
Steve, that is an exagerated number...the number I Was quoted was $9,950.00 . I rounded up...
And thats a real number that reflects what clients have paid for their ECU systems. Now, I also know guys who have done it for less, as they happen to be code writing engineers. As I was considering building the same car, I engaged that owner in some discussion about how to make the power, and the costs associated. The total number for that build was quated as "approaching $30K." Seperately, I spoke with the builder of that engine, who quoted his "basic" builds go out for $15K, and the full builds (not inclusive of the electronics) are "Just over $20K". Simple math tells me that theres about $7K in the ECU on that car.
But again, money isn't the ONLY issue. Parity is a goal as well. And the "in the box" clause has created huge inequities.
Phil (pfcs49) wants us all to go back to driving our car to the event and running stock or chipped ECUs, but what he isn't interested in is the fact that many examples won't support that concept. As pointed out, some cars aren't chippable, or flashable, without serious modifications. If you allow modification to the board to install non stock chips, exactly how do you draw the line????? Do yo say that you can add an auxiliary board as long as it fits in the box?? Ummmm thats where we are now........ And, what about functions that are currently illegal, but are fully entrenched in the ECU? Stability, ABS, TC, etc, etc. What about guys who spend a year driving in limp mode waiting for the ITAC/CRB to rewrite rules so that they can hook up ONE ABS sensor??
Each scenario comes back to the same conclusion: Stock ECus are becoming more and more intrusive, and if you want "club racing" to remain "Club" then allowing inexpensive open architecture electronics is really more in the original spirit than any other option.
These cars must be the ones that arrive at the ARRC in 40ft NASCAR style trailers (there are many, if you've never been) My response to them is the same as what we used to see in fastrack: "Request denied, not in the spirit of club racing"! In 94 I drove my car to the ARRC. In 04 I flat towed. The revolution will not be televised! phil (watchin Bush radicalized me again) [/b]
But....thats the point!!!!!!! Right now these guys are perfectly legal! Running whatever sensor (BTW) they can get in the stock box, and going to town with full MOTEC.
By allowing inexpensive versions, and removig the "in the box rule", we allow kids with laptops to drive to the event and compete fairly....I would think you'd see THAT as a strike against the elite......
Really, How much FI experience do you have? How about cold air bypass that most if not all EFI systems use during warmup? How are you gonna prevent me from opening this valve and adding fuel through the 3d map and creating 15 more HP because of the additional air? There are lots of gain for those that want to be creative and they will be impossible to polic with a free system.. [/b]
But Joe, thats being done NOW.
And if it happens downstream of the throttle plate, it's flat illegal.
How do we police ANYTHING?? We protest...we use our brains. But we rarely do. Thats our fault, and thats a seperate discussion.