VTS docs are located here:
MS Word:
Attached are the Vehicle Technical Specification (VTS) sheets.
Complete and return them to the Club Racing
Technical Department along with a letter explaining your request to the Competition
Individual Competitors:
You will also need to include copies of the manual pages, for OEM spec verification,
that contain the following specs:
Valve Sizes, Valve Lift, Wheel Size, Bore, Stroke, Displacement, Brake
Rotor Dia., Brake Rotor/Drum Width, Tire Size, Gear Ratios, Wheelbase,
Track, Curb Weight, and Final Drive Ratio.
Once we receive the information from you we will give your request a tracking number,
put it on the Competition Board Agenda, and send copies out to the appropriate
advisory committee and all of the Competition Board members.
[email protected]