The pyrotechnic seat belt tensioners on the A4 body Golf/Jetta platform only affected the early production cars. Production procedures were changed early on in the new model build out and cars that were at the port or on dealership lots were corrected by removing B pillar insulation that was surrounding the pretensioners. This remedied the problem without too much fanfare, except for a delay at the port for the early release cars. Still looking for a Golf Sport to replace my A2. I don't get it, these cars were all over the place a few years ago. Now I can't find one to same my life. I must admit, I'd like to find a white car, but would settle for something clean. I keep coming across cars that are either automatic or modded out way too fast and furious to be taken seriously. Yeah sure ALL race cars have neon! It's been so cold lately that I haven't even started to work on the car for the spring. The VR6 change was pretty tempting. Just the A3 2.0 is economically easier for the wallet. JOE