I've made the mistake of getting involved in this discussion before and said I wouldn't do it again. Matt seems to relish in attacking, avoiding, sidestepping, and rerouting any comment that he doesn't seem to agree with for what ever reason. It's been said that "small minds have large mouths."
Several of the people named on this thread I know, most I don't. Those I know, I have a great deal of respect for a number of reasons. Others I won't base an opinion on from a lot of ranting and raving and name calling.
If Alabama Region has an R.E. that they feel is leading them down a path that they don't want to go, then it's their fault for allowing him to do so, and for defaulting their own responsibilities by electing someone into an office of leadership that didn't represent the wishes of the majority of the club members. It's up to them to make a change, not people from other regions. If his decisions affect other regions, then there are ways to control that other than name calling and threats. From what I've read, it sounds like the proper means are being used and none of them involve this thread.
This guy may be the devil incarnate, the anti-Christ, and the twin brother of Osama Ben Laden...Idon't know. But calling him a POS and threatening to pummel him is libel and threatening. It can be punished by law and the offender either imprisoned or fined. It is he who might be wearing stripes and numbers.
Matt, you have issues that you need to have attended. You refer to this guy as a coward, but yet you use this forum to attack him. If you really want to contact him with your concerns, then there are more direct methods of approach. I've been thankful that this forum doesn't have sound. Your printed words indicate a lot of screaming goes on in your mind. That's not healthy...might I suggest anger management.
I'm sure you will attack me for my comments, it seems to be your style. Sadly, you seem to have recruited others to sometimes do your work for you. But stop feeding your own ego and stop threatening to physically damage, intimidate, or refer to people in crude and abusive fashion on this site. I'm sure it was never designed for that.