Originally posted by apexingsupra@Dec 10 2005, 02:14 AM
One the proposal by Buccanneer region was not my proposal/idea (if you can read it says Fred Clark) nor did I have any input in it.
But you also said:
"...the rules need to be changed and or someone with a large number of races needs to consider giving up a date. I would like to think the larger racing regions do not have a "tough luck" we have the dates attitude and I don't see that as such. It is about dialogue and the need to explore whether the different regions can accomplish their goals with a little "give and take".
Ok, Barry. You had no input. Why would you make the above statement defending the plan in detail which by the way had not been distributed to most yet but you seemed to know all about it? I'm really starting to believe Toni, not you. Your comment is an outline of the proposal. Just coincidence? I love the fact that you're throwing it all back on Buccaneer now too. It's like tigers eating their young.

Then you said:
"You also assume that Chattanooga is possibly thinking about racing at Roebling when that has never been part of any discussion or thought process with them. It would be somewhere else. "
"Somewhere else"? I thought you had no input or discussions? How would you know?
Originally posted by apexingsupra@Dec 10 2005, 02:14 AM
Two, I have already said in a previous post the proposal is not one that does anything for my region (as in no) but then I guess that does not fit into Mattberg's conspiracy theory and he will ignore this again.
But you also said:
"We as a division are trying to find solutions to our problems hopefully before they become bigger problems. My region has had extreme difficulty in the last two years in scheduling a SARRC race. Every potential date we have had was occupied by a "traditional dated" (SARRC rule) event. It has taken a lot of negotiation to get even one date on the calendar and both times it has involved Florida (thank you Capt. John). Florida gave up a race weekend and did not replace it. If the Alabama region wants to put on a another SARRC race (possibly with Chattanooga) for a grand total of two races we will run into the same problem. The calendar is already full. Either the rules need to be changed and or someone with a large number of races needs to consider giving up a date. "
Really now Barry. No kool aid for me thank you. This is all about what Alabama can get. First, you talk about the proposal like you've known about it for months and already know how it affects your region and the a second later you say you know nothing about it. Sheeesh.
Originally posted by apexingsupra+Dec 10 2005, 02:14 AM-->
Three, it was not made as a motion, seconded or voted on.
Not sure about that because I heard a rumor that since this pile of dookie blew up in your faces that members will be addressed somehow on order to avoid any more fallout. I'm thinking some mass mailing or maybe something at the next race or two in driver's meetings. If it weren't as far along as some of us think I'm just wondering why there's such an urgency to get input.
<!--QuoteBegin-apexingsupra@Dec 10 2005, 02:14 AM
Four, I don't expect to see it on the agenda at the annual meeting but then that is not up to me. It is up to the Buccanneer region since it was their idea.
Got that right. Like I said. If it comes up in the meeting I wil be there with a group of drivers and it will look like the courtroom scene from Animal House. I'm just going to keep on going with the plan of making sure that this proposal is never discussed at any meeting. K?
You told us that no proposal existed. Now you're saying it did but you had nothing to do with it... but your name is on the copy list. So you had nothing to do with it but you came here and denied it existed or that the issue was discussed because? Then you defended the proposal saying that SCCA SEDIV is not a free enterprise system and you said we needed to change the rules...but you had no input. You said it didn't help your region? Why would you care if it didn't help you? Why even comment let alone defend the proposal?
You say your region has no role in the proposal and gains nothing yet in another post you claim Roebling is your "home" track and they just happen to be the benefactors in a big way with this proposal. You also say that's where you plan to race and you want more races without competing dates. Then you talk about how the proposal will help you solve some problems. Which is it? I'm so confused!
You really should consider politics because you're taking the Texas side step to new levels. (No offense Texas folks. Just a saying

And, Barry, I don't think there's any big conspiracy. Just a greedy group of regional executives who got caught being disingenuine. You've changed your story so many times I can't keep track.
I'm a little stunned as to how defiant you are in defending the plan yet you say it does nothing for you. Hmmmmm. Ok. Whatever. Just keep this in mind. When and if this comes up for discussion I will have more paperwork than a Skadden Arps attorney proving how outrageous the proposal is. Then we're going to examine the intentions of the proposal and I'm going to have this neat little graphic presentation showing how lopsided the distribution is. Then we're going to look at whomever was responsible for trying to attempt to create such a lopsided situation and make sure it never happens again without full and immediate disclosure. Then, I'm going to demand that all ideas, discussions and proposals, formal and informal be published on each region's website. You wil NEVER, repeat, NEVER have closed door meetings or circulate limited distribution proposals ever again without serious recourse. Just a warning.
Last Barry, I'm going to lay off you for now but I'm also going to ask that you abstain from voting if the proposal comes to a vote. You said it doesn't affect your region so I think that's fair.
p.s. I think you owe Toni an apology. Just a personal observation.