QUOTE(Capt.John @ Nov 26 2005, 06:14 PM)
1. Who is "THEY"? A name or a face would help one know who we are talking about. A nameless, faceless reference to an entity known only as "they" does not give clear and concice information regarding the identityof those who you feel have performed a diservice to the SCCA members of SEDIV.
"THEY"? Who cares? The officials who voted! What difference do their names make? It was a general reference to officials taking actions in conflict to their contituency's wishes as a general practice. They voted as a group so it makes it hard to name names or condemn the enitre group but if that's what you want, so be it. The whole BoD. Since they only selectively make their votes public there's no way to know who "THEY" are. When the votes stop taking place behind closed doors I'll send you a list.
Actually the vote is taken on the phone and the results are what counts. If you want to know how your Area Rep. voted, ASK him/her. Our Area Representative now is Bill Weston, he is stepping down and K P Jones was elected to take his.
QUOTE(Capt.John @ Nov 26 2005, 06:14 PM)
2. What was the Spec Miata vote in 2004 about, where a decision had been made by "they" ( Same group as rerfered to above ) some months before negating the wishes of the drivers ? There were two meetings in 2004, Jekyll and Atlanta. When I departed the room at both of these meetings the carpet--rug-- was still very much intact.
The Spec Miata National proposal and subsequent vote is what I was taling about. No offense John but where have you been the past two years? Although I can believe people didn't know much about it, as it was kept pretty quiet. Exactly why I want to make sure this current issue is not handled the same way. Also, the issue is about official decisions and protocol in general, not just SEDIV topics. This is an issue of both divisional and National scope.
The GCR states that:
“A Regional Class with participation levels 0.5 above the
participation requirements outlined in paragraph 17.1.11.A.
for two (2) successive years may be considered for inclusion
in the National Championship racing program, except Improved
(The participation requirements are 3.5 average for the year.)
The SCCA counted cars for 2003 and 2004 and SM exceeded the participation numbers by a significant percentage, the recommendation by the CRB to take SM to a National class was posted in FasTrac for member comment. The BOD voted to make the class a National class which was again posted in FasTrac. The fact that we are anticipating over 100 SM cars at the Jan. National at Sebring will attest to the acceptance and support of the majority of SM drivers.
QUOTE(Capt.John @ Nov 26 2005, 06:14 PM)
3. Since the afore ositive “they”, cannot be trusted with the well being nor money of the Regions of SEDIV, this amounts to a vote of no confidence.
I’m certain that a plethora of volunteers are patiently waiting in the wings, anxious to be tapped on the shoulder with the golden sword so that they may go forth as the “new and improved they”.
There we go with the “volunteer” trump card. Always the last resort. If it’s so bad don’t do it. If you hate it, don’t do it. If you can’t do it, don’t accept the responsibility and then say it’s not your fault because you’re a volunteer or that no one else will do it. If Florida region can’t cut it, fold it into CFR. Same for any other region. That’s actually what I’d like to see. John you’re a very nice guy but all I’m hearing from you and Krys Dean is excuses and how bad it is and how you’re tired of hearing complaints about workers and officials. I was shocked to hear you agree with the concept of reducing the number of races as it sounded like someone who was simply throwing in the towel. Conversely I have seen little or no ositive pro-active measures taken to improve the situation. Maybe it can’t be done. If not, fold up the tent, relinquish the region to CFR and become a member of CFR. But don’t try and keep the region alive by downsizing the market to fit what the region can provide.
The Florida Region has a schedule for 2006 that includes:
1-Double SARRC and Two single SARRC’s
1-12 Hour
And a drivers school
A total of nine (9) racing weekends
The only race that I am aware of losing is the “Christmas in July” event (that would have been number ten) that has had poor participation and problems drawing workers, it simply wasn’t a race that was supported by the racers or the workers.
Florida Region is doing just fine, in spite of what some “quasi” members might want you to think. We don’t have any problems that any other region doesn’t have, we have good volunteers (although more would be welcome), a good BOD , an excellent BOD elect for next year and we are financially solvent. And more importantly than that, the BOD is made up of a plethora of racers. John Anderson drives an IT car and teams with some other BOD members to drive a SM in the 12 hour, John Zucarelli drives a FA in SARRC, Al Capuano has an IT Porsche he will run in SARRC and regional events, Mike Finn Races both Enduro and SARRC races in his ITA Nissan, Rennie Bryant is a licensed driver, Chuck Lonsdale is the epitome of volunteers and rarely misses an event, Jim Akiyama is a licensed driver and works EVERY event he is in town and his Wife Ina works virtually EVERY event as our Chief Registrar. The person who will likely be RE next year is a past SARRC FA champion and finished second in the points this year, these and other racers are the volunteers who make up Florida Region and I am certain that they, like me, have no wish to cut races, but if no one comes (and that includes workers) you can’t have a race, that’s not “throwing in the towel”, just good administration.
There are those who would like to see CFR and Florida Region combined for there own purposes, but they are in the minority and CERTAINLY don’t represent the thinking of the Florida Region majority. Frankly Matt, if you are so enamored of the Central Florida Region, change your’ Region of Record, I doubt if anyone in Florida Region would notice or care.
QUOTE(Capt.John @ Nov 26 2005, 06:14 PM)
Doctors practice medicine, lawyers practice law. Could we be considered to be practicing Administration? Maybe with enough practice we'll get it right.
Perhaps we should be looking into Administration malpractice. As far as geting it right? Well it's been years and years and we still have no automated registration system. That's administration. We have little if any technology at work to the extent we could be using it. Why are we not e-mailing race notices and other marketing information to racers? I've never received a thing and it costs NOTHING! One letter a few keystrokes and, VOILA! That's administration. Techonolgy is painfully absent from our administration both in SEDIV and Topeka. To me it's mind boggling. You want me to write a plan? No problem. I have a copy around here of the one I wrote three years ago with full financials and pro formae included. All that's missing are the bids from some system integrators.
The lack of On-line registration is at the recommendation of our Chief Registrar, and I support her recommendation 100%. SCCA National has a system that is being implemented and will allow for online registration, online payment etc. The system is not yet available for the Regions, but when it is, it will encompass all of the information we need to run an event. To spend money on a system that is marginal at best in the short term would be irresponsible and “bad administration”.
As someone who is in the computer business (my Company does software that runs ATM systems) I would be interested in reviewing your “plan” It should make some interesting reading.
Matt, your continued use of half truth and innuendo leaves one to assume that you have an agenda that is at odds with the best interests of the Florida Region, I have no idea what that agenda might be, but you certainly make the old adage true, “don’t wrestle with a pig in the mud, the pig will enjoy it and you will only get dirty.
I, for one, have wrestled this pig long enough.
Spew away Matt, every Jackass has to bray.
Krys Dean
BTW, Matt I notice that your posts say “The majority shall rule” at the bottom, maybe you ought to join, oh that’s right you don’t join, volunteer, or “get involved”, sorry, my bad.
The majority shall rule.