Here's a bombshell for you...

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Butch, Barry and I were on the opposite side of the room, from Toni Creighton at the Crown Plaza in ATL where the meeting was conducted. Are the acoustics in that room so strange that it caused a complete different undetanding of what was said? I'm sure we weren't just listening to the "little vocies" in our heads.

Capt. John
Capt. John, didn’t we discuss this issue at our last member meeting, I distinctly recall you getting up during the meeting and bringing it to the attention of all the members there, I am surprised Matt didn’t realize the error in his thinking after hearing what you had to say, OOOH that’s right, Matt wasn’t there, as a matter of fact I don’t remember having seen Matt at ANY of our Member meetings, Raceboard meetings, or BOD meetings ALL open to any Member. Seems like someone who is so vocal about the Florida Region would want to be a little better acquainted with what was going on in his own Region, but that is just me. By the way Matt, ALL those Chiefs are volunteers, when was the last time YOU volunteered? Workers? you bet your BIPPY we are short, at over half of the Florida Region races this past season we had to recruit workers from crew members or cancel the event, what that means is that there is only ONE trained corner worker on a corner to pull Your or My sorry butt out of the car if we need help. SEE the problem? I guess in short (something I’m not generally accused of) I’m saying, if you want to know what REALLY goes on at the SECRET meetings, volunteer, there are still some BOD positions open, pony up and give us a hand, then YOU TOO can ride in the black helicopters and speak in strange codes. Come on Matt, be part of the solution rather that part of the problem.

Krys Dean 273870
Past member Florida Region BOD
Divisional Chief Steward
Licensed Corner Worker
National Driver
Originally posted by tom_sprecher@Nov 23 2005, 12:20 AM
Come on, Weinberg, read and think before you write.  Barry has some good points and you missed what he wrote.

I don't think so. It sounds like Alabama wants a peice of the money pie with no assets to invest or work with. Proposing that the other regions deliver that on a silver platter is absurd. Go run a race and make it work. Mark Coffin up in Carolina got double the normal participation for a race by creating the Prod Festival at VIR last month. He's a frickin' driver for Pete's sake and a whole lot of other drivers kicked in and helped! I wrote an unsolicited check to their trophy fund! He did the whole thing in a matter of a couple of months? Regional officials don't do half of what he did. Officials just want to run the show and be the boss. I'll ask him but I don't think they had any worker problems either.

From what I've read no one but you suggested that there is an effort to prevent non-racing regions from racing.

See previous post.

Just because every region does not want to race does not shoot down the new racing regions concept.

Well, yes it sort of does. I don't hear any other regions other than Alabama really lobbying for a race. It sounds like Alabama wants races but no one else can really even think about doing so. Regardless, that's fine, but not at the expense of established races and events for potentially sub par alternatives just to accomodate their financial needs. Like I said, you want to throw a party, throw a party. No one's stopping you. Don't limit what others do in order to make it a success.

Your quote of Barry's post lists the problems he has had getting a race.

Money? Harsh reality dude. Competition? Same story. And the regions in question got dates! They couldn't make it work! Florida picked up the slack! SC cancelled last week's race for lack of interest. We've got over 400 entries for this weekend as of this morning! I've also heard nothing of any problems in the worker ranks. If so, I'm ready to work a corner. Race group 1, I'll have all afternoon! :023:

Your quote of Barry's post about Chattanooga racing at Daytona:  He did write "(as a "what if")".  Or did you not see that as well?

No comment. Silly concept. It's like letting someone I don't know sit at my desk for a couple of days and take my paycheck for the week.

Chill, dude, this one has payed out.  I hope to see you at the meeting at Jekyll in January and make your concerns heard by the decision makers.

Payed out? What does that mean? Hopefully this idea will never see the light of day at Jekyll Island.

This proposal, dicussion, whatever you want to call it, is merely a veiled attempt to get some regions financially healthy while lacking the assets to do so, at the expense of others, and make that area the home and focus of the SEDIV. It's not going to happen because I have news for you. Atlanta is no longer the center of the SEDIV.

And for the record, it's Weisberg, not Weinberg or Whineberg. I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt and assume it's an honest mistake and not an insult.

GO FLORIDA! :happy204:
Originally posted by Krysd@Nov 23 2005, 03:30 AM
Capt. John, didn’t we discuss this issue at our last member meeting, I distinctly recall you getting up during the meeting and bringing it to the attention of all the members there, I am surprised Matt didn’t realize the error in his thinking after hearing what you had to say, OOOH that’s right, Matt wasn’t there, as a matter of fact I don’t remember having seen Matt at ANY of our Member meetings, Raceboard meetings, or BOD meetings ALL open to any Member.  Seems like someone who is so vocal about the Florida Region would want to be a little better acquainted with what was going on in his own Region, but that is just me.  By the way Matt, ALL those Chiefs are volunteers, when was the last time YOU volunteered?  Workers?  you bet your BIPPY we are short, at over half of the Florida Region races this past season we had to recruit workers from crew members or cancel the event, what that means is that there is only ONE trained corner worker on a corner to pull Your or My sorry butt out of the car if we need help.  SEE the problem?  I guess in short (something I’m not generally accused of) I’m saying, if you want to know what REALLY goes on at the SECRET meetings, volunteer, there are still some BOD positions open, pony up and give us a hand, then YOU TOO can ride in the black helicopters and speak in strange codes.  Come on Matt, be part of the solution rather that part of the problem.

Krys Dean 273870
Past member Florida Region BOD
Divisional Chief Steward
Licensed Corner Worker
National Driver

Krys, sarcasm and insults aside, I appreciate what you're saying but c'mon. I've been called on once in the past five years to either work or provide a worker(s). Mike Cox said we were short for a race at Sebring because all the workers and officials went to a pro race in St. Petersburg. I won't even get onto that issue. :rolleyes: Anyway, he got online and put out the word. I called him and I said count me in. I race alone at regionals so I couldn't promise a crew member but said I'd make some calls. Turned out he ended up with more than he needed and he told me not to worry about it before I even left for the track. You think racers will give up races for lack of workers? Paaaalease. Drivers have a vested interest. Funny, we seem to have no trouble getting 25-30 officials to every race. What's their vested interest? Would they show up if they had to work a corner? When was the last time you saw Fred Schmucker with a set of flags on a corner at Moroso in 100 degree heat? How about Pete Magnuson? Instead we have to suffer through unending driver's meeting hearing what bad driver's we are. And they certainly don't mind coming down here for Florida races and collecting their per diem that we pay to tell us so.

As far as going to region meetings? Been to them. Waste of time. Nothing that couldn't be handled over the phone. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians spending too much time on trivial issues. It's our own fault though. We created it by making them everyone chiefs. I'm thinking about becoming Asst. Chief of Trophy Polish Products Purchasing next year just so I can say I did my part. :023:

GO FLORIDA! :happy204:
Originally posted by Mattberg@Nov 22 2005, 10:57 PM
Krys, sarcasm and insults aside, I appreciate what you're saying but c'mon. I've been called on once in the past five years to either work or provide a worker(s). Mike Cox said we were short for a race at Sebring because all the workers and officials went to a pro race in St. Petersburg. I won't even get onto that issue.  :rolleyes: Anyway, he got online and put out the word. I called him and I said count me in. I race alone at regionals so I couldn't promise a crew member but said I'd make some calls. Turned out he ended up with more than he needed and he told me not to worry about it before I even left for the track. You think racers will give up races for lack of workers? Paaaalease. Drivers have a vested interest. Funny, we seem to have no trouble getting 25-30 officials to every race. What's their vested interest? Would they show up if they had to work a corner? When was the last time you saw Fred Schmucker with a set of flags on a corner at Moroso in 100 degree heat? How about Pete Magnuson? Instead we have to suffer through unending driver's meeting hearing what bad driver's we are. And they certainly don't mind coming down here for Florida races and collecting their per diem that we pay to tell us so.

As far as going to region meetings? Been to them. Waste of time. Nothing that couldn't be handled over the phone. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians spending too much time on trivial issues. It's our own fault though. We created it by making them everyone chiefs. I'm thinking about becoming Asst. Chief of Trophy Polish Products Purchasing next year just so I can say I did my part. :023:
GO FLORIDA! :happy204:

If Fred, or Pete, or me for that matter (I am a Steward) call a group down for bad driving it would be because they need it.

As a matter of fact I have seen Pete with flags in hand, I have done it as well, at Moroso, in the heat and the rain.

As far as assistant Chief of Trophy Polish Products purchasing, I guess if that is where your skills are, go for it, but the bottom line is, if you aren't willing to work within the framework of the organization to effect change, then you are part of the problem and certainly not part of the solution.

You seem to think it is easy to run an event, but you don't know the first thing about it, you have no clue as to the officials that are required by the GCR and you are ignorrant of the job that Stewards do. I realize talking to you is like P***ing into the wind, so I wont take it any further, I will just close my part of this discussion??? by saying that Florida Region is blessed with a large number of GREAT members who are willing to take their time and expend the effort to make certain we have a safe, fun place to race, they are the heart and soul of Florida Region and deserve better than to have one of their own slander them with unfounded/ignorant half truths and inuendo.

For those of you who are reading this thread, Matt is not representative of the majority of Florida Region members.

Krys Dean
Originally posted by Krysd@Nov 23 2005, 06:06 AM
...but the bottom line is, if you aren't willing to work within the framework of the organization to effect change, then you are part of the problem and certainly not part of the solution.

This is such a common response from officials in response to criticism. "If you don't like it run for office". You shouldn't have to hold office or occupy a position whithin the organization to effect change, have a voice or take an issue to the membership. Sorry but I can't stand this response and it's just a way to scamper way from accountability and deflect issues. Imagine President Bush saying..."if you don't like the war, run for office". :rolleyes:

You seem to think it is easy to run an event, but you don't know the first thing about it, you have no clue as to the officials that are required by the GCR and you are ignorrant of the job that Stewards do.  I realize talking to you is like P***ing into the wind, so I wont take it any further, I will just close my part of this discussion???  by saying that Florida Region is blessed with a large number of GREAT members who are willing to take their time and expend the effort to make certain we have a safe, fun place to race, they are the heart and soul of Florida Region and deserve better than to have one of their own slander them with unfounded/ignorant half truths and inuendo.

I never said running an event was easy. As far as knowing anything about it? Well, I watched my wife run two of the largest computer trade shows in the world for four years and I'd say an event with 200,000 people is as complex as any race weekend. Talk about a busy paddock. :blink: You guys ever have to deal with four different Chicago unions to get a race off? :D

Actually, I'm amazed it hasn't been made easier to run an event. Instead of paying for a National Convention or supporting the inexplicable fiscal stupidity of SCCA University, why don't we look into a National standardized automated registration system and database? Why do we duplicate fixed expenses across 18 regions just in SEDIV let alone the rest of the country? Why do we service the organizers versus the customers handing out $100 late fees while running under capacity? Why are we still so "paper" heavy in this day and age? Why is it that information from the meetings is not published? Why have I never received an e-mail announcing a race and only occasionally receive one by mail? There are some basic business principles from marketing, administration, operations and sales that are being ignored or overlooked that could very likely fix some of the problems.

The bottom line Krys is I agree that whatever worker problems or shortages we may have must be dealt with one way or another. But I don't think that's what's behind this proposal and it's already been stated that their is a totally unrelated money motive. That to me, entirely discounts the worker argument as secondary and opportunistic. Maybe we do need to change the GCR. Maybe we need to attract new blood or press the club to open the doors to newer cars and races that will attract such. Maybe we need to improve our demographics as our workers grow older and gravitate to steward positions. Maybe we need to increase our on-line presence. Let's put the problems on the table and deal with them. But cutting races or moving them out of Florida will serve no one but those regions they are moved to at our expense. It will be terribly detrimental to the Florida racer and worker. :angry:

Last, I don't believe I have slandered anyone nor have I provided innuendo or half truths. If I am mistaken about something, let me know and I'll correct it but I made significant effort to confirm all the data I was given. Regarding me not being representative of Florida Region members, I sure hope I'm not if it means supporting the idea of dropping races to distribute revenue to other states and regions and getting in return, financial loss, increased expense and a product borne out of a market of non-competitive exclusivity. :023:

GO FLORIDA! :happy204:
You said that the meeting to discuss this proposal at Jekyll is open to people other than the REs and Directors. You said that you were going to attend. I’m sure there are others that would like to attend. Can you tell me where and when it will be? It is not on the convention schedule that is posted on the website. At the July meeting I was asked by Kaye Farier to relay a message to the convention chairman that a room would be needed for Friday night for this meeting. I did – sometimes I actually talk to him. No one has confirmed a time, the size of the room, or the layout of the room with him. Is the meeting being held out of the hotel? In the hotel? What time? Where? Where has there been a published notice for the meeting? Who received it? How can others learn about the location, time, and place? Who can attend?
And yes, Butch, this would be for the 2007 schedule. The 2006 schedule is posted and we are racing in the 2006 schedule currently. The Mid Year meeting in July of 2006 is when the 2007 schedule will be presented. Regions should have their schedules listed on the proposed calendar well before the end of July meeting.

Krys and Tom,
Matt is actively involved in finding a solution to this proposal. He has made it public to the racers who care where, when, and with what group they race. Matt makes another determining factor in this. He pays entry fees to those who have an acceptable race product scheduled conveniently, both in time and location, to when and where he wants to race. He lets his check book vote on the best race product. Without his entry fee, the rest of us would not have a place to play. Without your entry fee we would not have a place to play. Matt also has a very good grasp of commerce and marketing.

Barber did not become unavailable. Alabama Region has chosen not to race there. Alabama Region was unable to come to a working agreement with the Barber Track Management. They did not read their contract well enough to realize that they would have a post race payment to make for damages or should make a pre-race track inspection. As I understand it, the SCCA insurance made the damage payment for them. They also have previously raced at Talladega, yes the big track. Alabama Region has also chosen not to race there. They now want to race at Roebling Road instead of at a track within their own boundaries.
South Carolina Region also puts on races at Roebling – about 30 minutes outside their boundary. South Carolina also puts on races at Carolina Motorsports Park which is 5 minutes outside their boundary.
Buccaneer Region owns Roebling Road. Roebling Road is in the business of renting the track to organizations who want to race there. PBOC, BMW, HSR, WERA, NASA are groups that also race there. Buccaneer Region, South Carolina Region, Alabama Region, SEDiv, and the SARRC Committee all put on races there. If there is a limit put to the number of SCCA races that are held there (by any/all regions), other groups will take the dates and race there. Roebling Road is in the business of racing but it doesn’t really matter who rents the track – as long as it is rented. If SCCA races are removed from other race tracks, who will fill those dates in the track's calendar?

I was sitting across the isle and two chairs from the 2 Buccaneer Region people who made the proposal. I made notes and I’ve read them, again. The proposal included a limit to the number of regions that would be allowed to put on a race to those who were currently racing. And it was for 2 races per region. But yes there was side bar conversations going on in the area where you were sitting. And perhaps some where having an out of body experience as well.

You turned around to the Buccaneer Region folks to verify that your region was being included in the group of racing regions. The reply was yes.

I pointedly asked you if Tennessee Valley Region (who once was a racing region) would be allowed to put on another race under this proposal. You replied that they would not be included in the group of racing regions.
I pointedly asked you if Dixie Region (who has also been a racing region) would be allowed to put on a race. Again you replied that they would not be included in the group.
I pointedly asked you if Blue Ridge Region would be allowed to race. A third time, you said not they would not be allowed to put on a race – they were not among the currently racing regions. That tells me that you understood that the proposal was to limit the number of racing regions who currently put on races.

All Ya’ll,
Matt has made the point that needed to be made. He gave you information to use or choose not to use.
There was a proposal made that would limit the number of races a region could put on. There was a proposal made that would limit which regions would be allowed to put on races. This proposal was made at the Mid Year meeting – at the end of July. The subject was not brought to the membership or the racer who would be affected by any proposed changes until late November. This information was brought to light not by an RE, who will be making the decisions and policy, but by a racer, a member. Because of Matt, the racers now know there is a proposal to change the racing schedule in future years. They can choose to have contact with their RE, or not. The RE may or may not pay attention to his region’s racers when decisions are made. The racers can choose to vote for those same people who did not bring the information to the membership or they can choose to vote for someone else, or no one. Without information being brought to the people who will be affected, informed, wise business decisions can not be made. REs, you have customers who buy your product, the race. They tell you their choices every time they pay an entry fee. Why would you consider something that would hurt the sales of your own product. Racers are your customers why should they not be told about information that affects them?

I don’t have a dog in this fight. I’m no longer a racer. And I’m not an elected official who makes decisions. I’m one of the multitude of stewards that like to hang around race tracks where racers come to play. I show up at other people’s games. If I were still a racer I would be very upset that there was a proposal made by others that would limit my choice of where, when, and with what group I wanted to race – especially without my knowing about it.
Without the information the racer has no choice in the matter. Matt gave you the information to use as you see fit. It is no longer in a room of 50 or a Board meeting of 10. The racers now have the information.
What’s to become of it? If I were a racer in North Carolina, Central Carolina, Central Florida, or Florida, I would be on the phone or email to my RE with my thoughts on how to keep my racing program convenient and accessible to me. But I’m not a racer anymore. I’ll show up at any race track with racers and race cars.
Well, now I know that not every SEDIV official hates me. :023: Thanks for seeing the logic of my actions Ms. Creighton. I've never asked someone to come to my defense in anything in this life and to have it done here feels pretty good. Vindication of sorts.

Barry, dude. You are definately on the hotseat here. I just read some things I never knew about that pretty much expose your intentions and charade of a basis for said proposal. No offense but that cookie jar lid is breaking fingers right now. :D
We have two different factions here. A veritable he-said, she-said. It's getting boring. The mis-information is out there for people to use as they need to. Best thing to do is contact your local PTB.

Can we lock this crap-thread down?
An interesting topic to say the least. As RE for Tennessee Valley Region I get a little interested in topics that bring up this region. TVR is not a racing region......yet. To do so means we have the ability to at least help staff an event. 2005 saw TVR go from 3 autocrosses a year to 6. We also co-sponsored a Time Trial event with Alabama Region in April, with TVR in charge of the Time Trial school portion. Then TVR put on a spectator Hillclimb with only 200+ workers in October. Next we will do even more event. Racing? only time will tell as we grow (+25 members in one year) and we put people in the programs to learn the ropes.
I have seen the problems regions have in suppling workers and I have seen the disappointment when a group needs to cancel. I have also noticed some regions can easily move dates and effectively choke another event out of workers. We are in a difficult phase and I would hope that the leaders in charge of the SEDIV will come up with a solution not more disappointment. The way thinks are going TVR will want to co-sponsor a race and become a racing region.
I was part of the Time Trial racers who tried out Nashville Super Speedway in October and I think this may be a place to road race very soon. But will someone play the get a crappy date and kill any chance for it to take off because Chattanooga region is not a current racing region?
I have talked to Barry many a time, I don't think he would kill off a chance for us to go road racing. If he was why would he give a chance to go in with his region like he did?
I have also been an RE before my latest stint and always Florida regions take care of business as well as anyone, they have the resourses and the staff to always have their events. However, there must be a solution to help a small region get something going if they to are interested in road racing.
Now I do not know who to believe. I know one thing for sure is that I will be at Jekyll and at this meeting, if there is one, to discuss this suggestion, proposal, conspiracy or whatever it is. I will have a list of questions that will be concise and to the point, if not embarrassing, to the party it is asked of. If am not allowed to attend this meeting I will ask the same questions at the general meeting before the entire group of SEDiv members that choose to be there.

I guess the way Matt presents the information is what raises doubts as to its authenticity. To be honest it sounds like one big BS story that has turned into a he said - she said soap opera.

Something must be done to the schedule to ensure if a race date is listed a race will occur on that date. I don't really care how it's done. Otherwise, I need to look into the other sanctioning bodies that Toni listed and find one that better suites my form of racing, my schedule and my money.
Originally posted by Mattberg@Nov 23 2005, 08:15 PM
You have no dog in this hunt Andy. Go away.

Then keep it out of the General IT Discussions forum. Is it a wonder why everyone thinks the way they do about you?


Originally posted by Capt.John@Nov 23 2005, 11:45 PM
Happy Thanksgiving ! Give it a rest. Good night all.

Capt. John

Your absolutely right Capt. John, lets put a rest to it for a few days at least, or better yet until the Jekyl Island meeting. Happy holidays to all, hope to see you at Sebring this weekend or in Jan and Homestead in Jan as well.

Krys Dean
Toni, there are some incorrect assumptions in your comments about the Alabama Region. I was a board member during the times mentioned and I would like to set the record straight.

"They did not read their contract well enough to realize that they would have a post race payment to make for damages or should make a pre-race track inspection." Comment: yes, the board did make a pre race inspection in addition to carefully reading the contract. We expected a post race invoice for dammages. However, what we expected (normal and customary) was far in excess of what is considered normal and customary. (Please note that quite a few of the track running personnel at Barber have changed and they are becoming more user friendly.)

"They also have previously raced at Talladega, yes the big track. Alabama Region has also chosen not to race there. " This is totally wrong: Alabama region has not chosen to "not race there." Talladega has made the infield road course motor home parking for the two NASCAR events held there yearly and the pavement has either been torn up or removed on the road course section, rendering it unusable.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and God bless our Troups. Chuck
Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt@Nov 24 2005, 02:35 AM
Then keep it out of the General IT Discussions forum.  Is it a wonder why everyone thinks the way they do about you?


The earth has moved...they skies opened up...and the waters parted. Andy and I agree. Take it somewhere else. By posting this item here, you've included everyone's dog, horse, and race car. By telling someone to go away, you've glorified your delicate ego.
Originally posted by Krysd@Nov 24 2005, 05:39 AM
...lets put a rest to it for a few days at least, or better yet until the Jekyl Island meeting.  Happy holidays to all, hope to see you at Sebring this weekend or in Jan and Homestead in Jan as well.

Funny... That's exactly what they told us about the Spec Miata vote in 2004. "Don't overreact. Everything's fine. Just wait until the meeting." Then they pulled the rug out from under us having made their decisions months before against what the drivers wanted. :angry: No. I don't think we'll be giving them that kind of wiggle room anymore. They can't be trusted when there's regional interests and money involved. :angry:
Originally posted by Mattberg@Nov 24 2005, 07:42 PM
Funny... That's exactly what they told us about the Spec Miata vote in 2004. "Don't overreact. Everything's fine. Just wait until the meeting." Then they pulled the rug out from under us having made their decisions months before against what the drivers wanted.  :angry: No. I don't think we'll be giving them that kind of wiggle room anymore. They can't be trusted when there's regional interests and money involved. :angry:

Whatever, Matt, I am done. GOD forbid you should go to a meeting.

Matt hope you had a happy Thanksgiving and happy Holidays to follow (that is NOT a threat).

Krys Dean
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