I don't usually post on this forum because I don't drive a IT car. I drive a FP Miata. I am a SEDIV driver. I have National license, but race only Regional races. I started racing in South Carolina, but now I live in Florida. I've done some research and given this proposal a lot of thought. I'd like to apologize in advance for the length of this post. I should not also note that I did not believe Matt at first, but Toni Creighton's post on this and the Prod forums convinced me. The following is a copy of my post on the Prod Forum.
1. Purpose of the Proposal
It appears that the purpose of the proposal is to solve a scheduling problem within the SEDIV and the constant workers problem. This would resolve these problems, however, the costs associated with this proposal seems excessive. The scheduling problem could be relieved to some extent by reducing the 450 mile restriction to 300. With the cost of gas, the 450 mile restriction does need to be reviewed. Adding races will make the workers problem worse. Paying them, giving them free lodging and meals, paying for their memberships, and other enticements may help with this continuing problem. Every volunteer-based organization has this problem. I have heard suggestions that every driver provide a worker. I don't know how well this will work, but this will relieve some of the worker's problem. But details on how this would work is not clear, especially since many drivers do not have crews or other assistance.
2. Effect on Race Schedule
I added up the races scheduled for 2006 in SEDIV. There are 10 Nationals, 66 Regionals and 8 driver's schools for a total of 84 events. As you can tell, most of the races are on double or triple weekends. The regions in order of most to least events (races plus driver's schools) are Central Florida (17), Atlanta (17), Florida (16), Central Carolina (12), North Carolina (9), Buccanneer (6), SEDIV (3), South Carolina (2), and Alabama (2).
With this proposal and assuming all the "racing" regions use all of their weekends, the total events will be 32 events. Adding in the 3 SEDIV events (2 Nationals and 1 Regional), the total is 35. This is less than half of the current number of races. The breakdown will be 10 Nationals, 17 Regionals and 8 schools.
3. Scheduling
According to the SARRC rules, no races may be held on the same or consecutive my be held within 450 miles of each other. This rule was apparently passed in 1/04. I could not find any other scheduling rule.
All the tracks, except for maybe Homestead, are within 450 miles of Roebling. This includes the Nashville track, which I am assuming the Tennessee Region will want to get certified for SCCA races. If Tennessee starts to hold races, the numbers of events goes to 11 Nationals, 19 Regionals and 9 schools, assuming they can run 1 National, 2 Regionals and 1 Drivers School in their first year as a racing Region.
4. Discussion
The hardest hit will be the drivers who race only Regionals. I don't know what the IT, SPU, or SPO drivers will do. Some may convert their cars to Prod, but I'm afraid that we will lose many of them to NASA.
The new drivers will lose, too. They, except for the rent-a-racers, would have just spent many thousands on their cars, driver's gear, trailer, etc. I don't know if many will want spend that kind of money and not enjoy their investments. That is, if you can call a race car an investment. Again, afraid that we will lose many of them to NASA.
If this proposal passes, then, you can expect more Regional-level drivers at the Nationals. These drivers will be trying to keep their license while minmizing their travel expenses. I know I would strongly consider it, even though I hate being a rolling chicane.
The most active racing Regioins will lose, too. Central Florida, Atlanta, Florida, Central Carolina, and North Carolina will lose most of their races. Central Florida and Florida may decide to form a separate Division, if this proposal is approved. I'm afraid it would be the South Atlantic Division. It's sprint race championship would probably be the SARRC as SARRC is the initials for the South Atlantic Road Race Championship.
5. Conclusions
I don't think the proposal to limit the number of races is a good solution for the scheduling and worker problems because of the potential costs to the Division. I would like to encourage all SEDIV racers to contact their RE's and their fellow racers to make sure this proposal is not inacted.
Perry Young
FP Miata
Central Florida Region