You know.....this is the kind of thread that has gotten The Prod Board it's reputation!
now now jake, no accidentally killing off members by having a crew of FHM models in the pits.
Only thing is though, I don't think he can convince any of that type to come to the track with him...![]()
It's not a question of me being able to get any of that type to come to the track with me....
it's a question of am I dumb enough to bring any of that type to the track with me......
Yep...several years ago, I believe it was in SF region, but I might be wrong, there was an incident involving a Solo driver and a passenger in a "fun run". Both had on Snell and DOT helmets that were legal at the time. Short story...stuck throttle and low tree branch. This was well after the inclusion of Solo Safety Steward program that insured as safe a course as could be imagined. The following year, the helmet regulations were changed and the entry fees went up to compensate for the increased insurance fees due to the loss of life. To my knowledge, nothing nearly as severe has happened since.The key to all of this:
3.)What is the loss-history of Solo, and is it so low that the liability coverage cost is insignificant ? It doesn't matter if we think it's dangerous or safe…it's all up to loss-history, and a bunch of actuaries sitting in a cube farm someplace.
Yea, but if you put those grid girls pics ....(Not ONE thanks from ANY of you?? For shame!...trying to brighten up the place, I am...) ....up on the Prod site, half the old geezers would topple over...
Hey...that gives me an idea that might just solve the "too many prod classes" problem.....
I'll just make a closing statement... Get rid of solo and the rest of the non-racing crap that makes FAT LAZY TOO BROKE TO GO RACING OFFICIALS happy and respected.[/b]
Your claims of doom and gloom would be more believable if you hadn't said3 years ago that the club would be out of business in 2 years. Of course on a positive note, things are getting better, we went from 2 years to 4 before the sky falls.
posted 02-03-2005 03:32 PM02-03-2005 03:32 PM
Thanks Jim. You hit the button. And to be clear I'm not citing or alleging malfeasance...Just want to get an idea about how the money is handled. I don't think that's asking too much. Especially considering that our recent elections have put people with virtually NO finance experience in place. To be told it's none of my business bothers me.
As a result I am going to run for the BoD and although I'm pretty sure they'll kick me out if I win, I've been told by enough people to shit or get off the pot.[/b]