Hi guys, I'm back! Did ya miss me???
I actually read most of the 18 pages of this (I admit that I did skim a lot, and having a couple of people on 'ignore' made it more like 2 pages _kidding_ )
Anyway, there have been some very good points made. I should have taken notes through the whole thing though. Couple of things that I see.
If IT goes National, I think there will be definite pressure to tighten up the granularity of the classification process, as well as publish it. I also think you will have a case of all cars having their spec weights set at the process weight. No more "It's w/in xx lbs, so it's close enough.". You may be able to hold fast on the "no comp. adjustments", but I think you will have to publish the process, and set cars at their process weights.
People have brought up this 'path' or 'stepping stone' concept again. While it makes a nice story, and paints a tidy little picture, I think that it's really nothing more than a red herring, and goes back to the old notion that once IT racers decide they want to race 'real' [sic] race cars, they'll move to Prod or GT. How many people out there know someone that has gone from SS to Prod to GT? One of the things I've seen is that people pick a category for a variety of reasons. Anywhere from they want to race w/ a certain group of people to liking the freedom/limitations on what they can do to the cars to wanting to race a certain type of car. I don't believe the category structure w/in Club Racing was ever designed to be a 'progression' type of structure.
I've heard something about doing away w/ the Regional / National distinction, and having qualifying / non-qualifying races some place before, but I can't quite put my finger on where.
The only thing I'll say about IT attaining National status increasing the costs for anyone racing in IT is the same thing I've said before, look at the Prod/GT/SS/etc. efforts that show up at Regionals. Just because you have guys spending cubic $$$ on their National programs doesn't make the guy running his EP car in Regionals spend that kind of money (I stole the EP/Regional thing from Jake, but you could pick anyone that runs a National-eligible car in just Regionals).
As far as the impact on Regional car counts, I just don't think there's enough solid data to draw any kind of conclusion from. You may lose guys to Nationals, but you may also pick up folks that don't want to spend the huge $$$ to run Nationals, and like the fact that you will have less big-buck teams at Regionals.
The factory involvement thing is also another red herring (but, you need to keep the 5-year rule). Do you really think VWoA (or any other mfg) is going to up their involvement in Club Racing because you've got VW's running National IT races? Kirk, how much support did you get from VWoA when you ran your car as an SSC car?
And someone made a comment about the ITAC doing what was best for IT, and not necessarily doing what was best for Club Racing. It's no different than a corporation. Divisions have Divisional goals, but they need to be aligned with, and support the overall goals of the Corporation. Work to make the whole organization a success, or spin your Division off.
I'll admit that I didn't read your list on my first pass through this, but I will go back and read it.
I'll now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.