I'm not picking on anyone specific and yes there is some jealousy in this statement, but the people that are really pushing for a National IT are people that have multi car teams and have a MUCH higher then avg budget towards these cars, even if they are IT. There are still quite a few IT drivers out there that touch the car maybe 4 to 5 times in a winter to get ready for the year, don't spend days on a dyno, don't spend $10-$50/gal for fuel, don't buy more than 6-8 tires a year, don't spend $400 a wheel in Volks, don't have a $5k motor with a spare fully built $5k non junk yard motor in the trailer, and still would like to be a little higher than mid pack. Maybe not contesting for the win, because we know there are the people that will do what's listed above, but there are far less of them and still a chance they could go off or not finish. Make IT national and you are going to have to do what's listed above just to stand a chance at 10th.
I'm quoting this passage, but my response is not to the writer, but more general.
I'm a guy who knows the results blues. You get them when you finish 6th or so in a class of 25, but, over time, more and more of the "hot car" show up, and you slide down to 8th or 10th average finishes. Hey, that's life. To me, 6th? it's ok, and so is 10th. But lets face it, neither are good, much less great.
but, you have to look at things in perspective....
If you know you aren't doing the full prep thing, and you get beaten by those that are, so what? What's it matter if you finish 7th or 10th? Listen, I have plenty of finishes like that, so don't take this the wrong way, but really, 7th? 10th? who cares!? Did you have a good race with the 8th place guy? Did you beat a better car? If you say you're racing for "fun" on one hand, you can't turn around and complain about your actual position on the other....
Now, I hear jjjjanos going on about how IT HAS a National championship, and others who say that IT doesn't need the Runoffs, what they have is fine.
And having been to the ARRCs now many times, as a driver and a crew, and to the inaugural IT-Fest, I can tell you that those are great events, and the competition is stout, and the racing good. More should attend.
But they won't. At least not to the ARRCs, because it's just not worth the haul, the time, and the money for those who are a long way away. It's just not the same prestige as the Runoffs. We Northeasterners are the exception...you don't see a lot from the upper middle, and really nothing from the Rockies and west. I've talked to a lot of IT guys, and if they had a chance to go to the Ruboffs, and be on TV, that travel distance shrinks pretty quickly.
Don't get me wrong...the ARRC organizers and the IT-Fest committee have done, and are doing a GREAT job, and the IT Championship thing is a GREAT thing for IT...but if IT goes the the Runoffs, you will see full fields, and some of the best races all week.
Finally, from a marketing standpoint, I don't think the SCCA could do anything better for participation and membership than making IT run at the Runoffs. The ruleset is very attractive to the average racer wanna be, there are cars he and she can identify with, and the races will look great on TV. For the club as a whole, its a powerful tool gone unused for years.