MARRS ITB/ITC say hello to ITS

dave parker

New member
Thats right you heard it here first, the powers that be have chosen to move the ITS class into the ITB/ITC group.
I think that we have tried this combination several times before and it did not work.
So lets try it again!
So fire up the flamethrowers and get down with your bad self.
dave parker
It works for the NARRC series at LRP and NHMS and I would think that it would work even better on bigger tracks where the straight line 'handling' shows more.
Some times at LRP it can be a bit challenging us B guys get held up in the corners then the ITS cars blast down the straight, but I would imagine it would be less of an issue on longer tracks as Andy said. Regardless, I have no problem racing with the ITS guys and everyone can use them to their advantage. It's all part of the game, right?
I don't have a dog in this fight but I generally think it's better to have classes with MORE performance difference in the same group, than less difference. It didn't stop a couple of S cars from being a pain in the butt for the B guys at the 'fest but at least everyone knew what was up.

I don't have a dog in this fight but I generally think it's better to have classes with MORE performance difference in the same group, than less difference. It didn't stop a couple of S cars from being a pain in the butt for the B guys at the 'fest but at least everyone knew what was up.


I agree. My next races is ITR, ITS and ITA...gonna suck for me but we shall see!
marrs did have this combo before and it worked fine. its cars should corner FASTER than ITB cars.

there is no perfect match of classes, everything is about compromise. this combo is far better/safer than what was being done...ITS running with GT1/GTA/AS.

good move....if i do say so myself.

notice we didn't move ITR into the group. left them(me) in Big Bore.

MARRS ITS/R driver rep
Was it considered to move them into ITA? Our run group a 5 different classes now. Most of the ITS run the same time as our front running ITB.

Thats right you heard it here first, the powers that be have chosen to move the ITS class into the ITB/ITC group.

This revised grouping should work well as long as both groups respect the each other. It certainly helps ITS to get out of the Big Bore group where they were like an abused stepchild. As Andy observed, these classes play well up North. One benefit of this classing is that there tends to be an implicit split grid with the ITS cars qualifying in front of the ITB cars - allowing the lead groups of both classes to run by themselves for most / all of the race.

If you want to get a taste of this new grouping come on up to MARRS 6 (MARRS - NARRC Lightning Challenge) at NJMP where ITS and ITB were already scheduled to be together.


notice we didn't move ITR into the group. left them(me) in Big Bore.

If you want to escape the Big Bore wars, you can come along to MARRS 6 too as ITR is grouped with ITS and ITB.

At the beginning of the year, the Jersey Racing Board decided to extend our NJMP summer regionals to nine race groups to provide logical, competitor-friendly groupings. Part of this approach was grouping IT and Showroom Stock cars by themselves without any slick tire classes. We hope that you will enjoy these race groups.


BTW - MARRS 8 (MARRS - NARRC Rematch) on Thunderbolt in August will have the same groups.
Terry it is great to hear that ITR is not separated from ITS at NARRC/MARRS NJMP! Thanks for confirming.
No big deal. As long as we keep closed wheel with closed wheel and DOT rubber with DOT rubber, no problem.

You have to try to keep those race groups evenly filled.

You can even throw AS and all the other DOT rubber classes into the mix.
I have never seen an ITB keep up even with the slowest ITS car noway! running ITS with ITA is a close match but ITB lol someone is dreaming!
Is this true and if so how is it possible?

Let's just say we have a ITS cars in our region. Realistically, out of 6 - 10 ITS car that show up for any given race, about half of those run times that might put them in the way of the front ITB cars. I think if they would just ask for a split start with IT7 & ITS starting ahead of ITB they would be fine. The other three classes in that group - SSB, SSC, and ITC - usually only field one or two cars each (if any), so they don't really figure into the issue.
Nice another group change with absolutely no input from the drivers. This format worked well at NJ on Thunderbolt (long straights) but I see this being a real problem at Summit Point. I've discussed this with a few people and decided to either bag the rest of the WDCR season or head for the PRO-IT series at New jersey and maybe finish with the ARRC. Not a good way to increase numbers when their already low in our region? :shrug: I wouldn't be surprised if MARRS 7 is light. Sorry guys but I don't agree with this format.
no input from drivers? huh? the club racing committee that made this decision is made up of the DRIVERS REPS FROM EACH CLASS. you elected the folks that are making these calls!
marrs did have this combo before and it worked fine. its cars should corner FASTER than ITB cars.

1. NO it didn't. The grouping killed ITC in this region.
2. It doesn't matter what the cars are capable of doing. What matters is what they actually do which, in 2008, was drive at mid-pack ITA speeds. Based on 2009 laptimes, one-third are now ITB cars.

there is no perfect match of classes, everything is about compromise. this combo is far better/safer than what was being done...ITS running with GT1/GTA/AS.

good move....if i do say so myself.

A major reason ITS was put in Big Bore was because it was the group where ITS had the least potential to do damage to anyone else. They earned a grouping with Big Bore.

Based on the 2008 ITS performance, there was a failure to appreciate the courtesy required in multi-class racing. They interposed themselves in non-ITS battles for position; they used their greater HP to walk away from so-called slower cars at the start and and then parked their cars in the corners, holding up the so-called slower cars.

The Big Bore cars don't have that problem. They have the legs and the cornering to get by the situationally impaired.

As it stands now, based on fast lap times from the 3 Summit Point MARRS events, there's going to be DFL ITS cars right in the middle both the ITB class fight and the second pack of ITB cars.

Great job guys.

notice we didn't move ITR into the group. left them(me) in Big Bore.

Which is a class that I don't think anyone would have a problem running with.
While I am glad that the ITB/ITS grouping works for other regions racing programs it has been proven here in WDC that it DOES NOT work. The last year that I raced in ITB we were grouped with ITS. You did not have to worry about the front running ITS cars, but the under-developed/poorly driven ITS cars were a HUGE problem. If anyone doubts me on this I would be happy to provide video evidence of the clusterf#ck that went on all season.
The following year ITS was grouped with ITC and as Mr. Janoska has said that was the beginning of the death of ITC in WDCR. The final nail in ITC's coffin in WDCR was being grouped with SpecRX7.
The really sad part about this whole disaster is that it has been foisted upon ITB/ITC with no input from the drivers that race in that group.
dave parker
Sounds like it isn't the CLASS that's the issue, it's selfish drivers. They need to have a chat with a Steward, or from fellow competitors.

I've seen backmarker ITX drivers duking it out with front running ITZ drivers here in our area, and the drivers were given some ribbing (talking to) about the way they handled themselves. That problem corrected itself.

Simple rule, if you aren't running for the front trophies, don't insert yourselves into other class cars that are. Suck it up, drop back and carry on. Od get on the stick and get ahead of the battle.
I have never seen an ITB keep up even with the slowest ITS car noway! running ITS with ITA is a close match but ITB lol someone is dreaming!

Visit momentum tracks then and you'll see it. Lime Rock is one prime example and the front running ITB cars are running with cars in the top 2/3 in ITS. Mid Ohio can be tough as there are few passing zones, and the best are on long straights. Often times the challenge is a result of less experienced drivers (many times also back markers) .

I say just group them together with SM then. :)