MARRS ITB/ITC say hello to ITS

I'll go along with whatever the other ITB drivers want regarding the split start, but just consider this. Based on fastest laps, it seems the faster ITS cars will start in front of the leading ITB cars and will probably NOT lap them. A split start will assure that they do get lapped.

I just ran some really rough numbers. No split start, and pretty much everyone except the very front of ITB gets lapped, back gets lapped twice. Split start and everybody gets lapped once and the back gets lapped three times.

I guess the question is, do you want to risk a couple slow ITS cars in your race early, or a couple fast ITS cars in your race late?

Based on what Charlie said happened before and looking at lap times, I think the front half of the ITS class will be gone at the start, but the back one-half are running lap times slower than the front of the B field. I think what will happen is that the green will fly, the ITS HP will put them in front of the ITB cars and then they'll be slower than the leading pack of ITBs. There's also a nice pack of ITB cars that run as a second group that might have an ITS car among them too.

I spent a year in a midpack ITC car with rear ITB cars. It's incredibly frustrating to watch your race disappear while a HP driver running alone takes a defensive line in the carousel lap after lap. If you carry enough speed through 10, you can use the draft to be close enough to outbrake at Turn 1, but I think the HP difference between ITB and ITS won't allow that.
The advantage of a split start is that it separates you from someone running the same lap time as you but who is faster in different places which can be very frustrating. With the split start you should only encounter cars from another class if they are significantly faster or slower than you so the inconvenience should only be for a corner or two instead of lap after lap.