yes, there are some new drivers in its this year. the class is rebuilding. if any itb driver has an issue with an its driver, see me and bring your video. i will work with the its driver if they are the issue. my contact info is on the dcregion site.
There's a couple of important principles that have been violated here and
that's the major reason my dander is up.
1. Group changes were requested multiple times in the past and everyone was told to suck it up. This time, they weren't.
2. This was an ambush without time to get driver input.
3. There's no significant increase in safety. Fast Big-bore group to slowest ITS time: About 19 seconds/lap. Fast ITS time to slowest ITB/ITS time: About 13 seconds/lap.
All this has done is dumped the problem on another class.
So, please excuse me if I am just not feeling the love here. Had we started the year with the class,
ex-post facto discussions would be great. Given the way this was ambushed on us and shoved down our throats, I'm not certain I feel like talking. I'd rather file the paper on make the stewards work - especially since I have a strong hunch that their hands were all over this move too.
Since you are aware of the issue - at least with some of last year's drivers - shouldn't there be some
a-priori discussions with the slower drivers in the class from their DR?
I just had to quote that and add a bit of emphasis..
One question. Not one guy who's bitching has mentioned actually discussing the issue with the "perps". Or having the driver rep have a chat with them. Or a Steward.
Has that happened?
My understanding is that last year drivers were approached. Things did not improve last year.
The timing of this and the way it was done, however, simply leaves me unmotivated to discuss this after the fact.
As for the stewards...
Let's go to the tape...
No action taken. IIRC, there was an investigation by the operating steward who determined that an RFA wasn't justified. Could be wrong though.
Several incidents this year and the resulting penalties could leave one with the impression that going through the stewards will be about as useful as breasts on a boar.